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bud, stop trying to kiss his ass like you're something lower than him, itll lose you money if youre in that game


you're in the same game as him. you're nothing lower than him and you're not ripping anybody off, you're doing your own thing. paint made for markers with all colors that's drippy. with some 'secret ingredient' in it to make it stain more than just ghetto krink.


make a unique name other than 'drippy ass paint' because that sounds pretty wack.


Yeah, your exactly right dude. I'll have to work on a name, I honestly didn't like the current one anyway. Junobo and I are no different than Oink and DED. We both make paint, they both make ink. Junobo, you still have a great product, but now there's another. I'm your new competition, and thats that. I'm taking his advice, and stepping it up. I won't bad mouth you, but I'm not gonna sit there and not try to sell my own product. I'll be working on a new name, maybe even hole a vote or something. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. This stuff is being made for all of you anyway.....


PS- Oink is right. Paint cannot stain, only ink can do that.

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Shit question but


Can you spray spraypaint into a funnel and into a container or something, and then stick it in a mop or pen?


Sort of...


You can, but the chemicals in spray paint keep the

the paint ever expanding. You have the let the paint

paint sit covered for a while and then release the pressure,

recap, shake some, release more pressure, repeat several

times. Other wise you run the risk, especially if you marker

is air tight when closed, of having it bust on you and getting

paint everywhere! Not good. Just stick with the easy oil based

bucket paint recipes on the first page of this thread.


You should be golden.


Cheers for the advice, but apparently if you spray the paint onto paper first, it takes the chemicals out.. Sounds stupid I guess. You dont need to thin the stuff either.. Can anyone give me an answer on this?

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Ay OINK how much dry stainers comes in the bag already? haha not to good with measurements. Also id be down to order a bag of stainers when its up on your site.


Crystal.method I didnt get stickers but on my second order i got 3 color circles of the Molotow.


OH yeah for all the people that got extra stainers make sure you wear gloves [like mentioned before] when your handeling with the bag. Haha i was lookin at the bag and touching the outside w/o gloves, then decided to clean my hands and to my amazement my finger tips turned black. haha had to scrub for a while. BUT OINK's ink is serious buisness for shure.

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imma be doing the paint an ink thing, (i already talked to a few people about this so fuck you if you got osmething negative to say) but for now my shit is staying local and will not be available via internet. maybe after a few months, ya never know. An JUNOBO, im gonna need that special we talked about prolly this week or the next.

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Whooh everyone is getting inspired to start a buisness. I think ill start mines too. maybe in the future when i get more money.

Or actually ill just use my money to stock up on more supplies and be selfish and not share with anyone. hahah

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^^google oner posts something every page.


I'm going to start my own business too. I'm going

start a graffiti hot line!


If you need help with making a marker, need a tip on what

to put in your ink/paint, having problems painting a piece with

more than 3 colors in it, need assistance with getting that 3rd

letter of your one liner throwie connected without a shitty

"loop 'd' loop" going through the whole thing, or you are just

lonely and need someone the yell at you...


Call me NOW for a free readin'... 1-934-778-7243


Thats: 1-9-FIRST-PAGE!!


Why... Because "1-900-Read-the-first-fucking-page-of-the-thread!"

was way too many letters to fit in the number slots!


99cents for the first minute, 50cents for ever minute after the first.

As always, if you end up crying on the phone, and don't hang up...

You get 3 extra minutes for FREE!

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I already sold all that yellow I made (i posted a flick or two in here) by the bottles but everyone wants mops lol. Next colors is another yellow type (not like before, it kinda like a glowing-radioactive type yellow) and some peraly shit (whitish silver or the other way around?), and fools gold (metallic yellow). and on the ink side of things im just working on making a huge batch of what I make for personal use (black/purple stainer). So, im doing something right if people wanted me to start selling my mixes because i wasn't telling them how i made my stainers an how i get my paint like that. anyways, big ups to everyone keeping the graff alive an kicking an makeing sure them buffers earn there money.

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Copied from your old thread.


hard staining ink will stain anything, but it soaks in better with brick, etc. it's all about how hard the buff wants to work... if they give up on metal after they got off the first layer but the ghost is still there, you win, if they have the best chemicals and tons of time chances are they'll buff it all.


and DED is making outdoor colors, wait for those. i sell hard staining outdoor ink too, it's black with a blue-purplish tint due to all the stainers.


http://www.oinkartltd.com // oinkartlimited@yahoo.com // oink ultra-staining ink



Buy from Oink!

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^^see the red bottle on the right?



^^see the action shot? Met this kid and gave him some of my stuff.


Want to know MY recipe???


Start with one of these:


Drink the whole thing!


Next you want one of these in any red color:


Make sure its Oil based and 8oz will do you(doesn't need to be the door paint either).


You need some of this:


It's super cheap, and you can the smallest amount you can find of any thinner.

Next you want this(OIL BASED!!):



In this color:

Red Mahogany 225



Finally, some of this:




1.Take the full 8oz tin of the rusto oil based red and pour it into the empty

knob creek bottle(not all of it will come out, but thats ok).


2.Next take 1oz of the thinner(+/- .5oz) and put it into the rusto tin that

you just emptied. The will break up the paint that wouldn't come out.


3.Put 2oz of the Oil based Minwax red wood stain into the tin with the thinner.

Close the rusto tin tight and shake the shit out of it.


4.Open the tin and pour the new contents into the bottle of paint. Close the

bottle, and shake the shit out of it. Let it sit, and repeat.


5.Open the bottle and add 1oz of the Dot3 Break fluid(less IS more). Shake!


Thats it. If it's too thick, add .5oz of the Minwax wood stainer.

Consider this one... a freebie!


Good luck.

Junobo's mix is way better than this and worth the loot.

Oinks ink is ridiculously better than this mix, but it's not red... Yet.

DED... same thing... but the man has some shit in store for all of us!


^^Quality shit to buy!

I make my own, and I am cool with that. But I still buy these guys

stuff as well... for when I want to impress the ladies and shit.

Check em all out!

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i like how rouge starts out about how trhis is his only ad blah blah blah, now he is sriaght up like im gonna steal ur buisness hahahahha oh yea and i liked my first shitty ass name but since someone didnt like it im gonna pull a politician and change my mind.


man find your own market. maybe ull have more luck selling used condoms.

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i like how rouge starts out about blah blah blah...


I like how all you have contributed to this thread is trying

to call people out like it something people really want to hear.


It isn't.

If you ain't got something constructive to say, then why

bother? You just end up sounding like all the other weak

"writer for the summer" toys that annoy this and other threads.


No need for an answer.

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yeah ive been noticing a bunch of people jumping on the bandwagon. the difference is, DED, OINK, and Junobo took years to make. I didnt just decide one day, hey im going to mix some paint and sell it. My mixture took about 3 years to perfect. I know DED's took some time also, which is why it is such a good product. You cant just take some bucket paint and some thinner and sell it as a product. anyone can make that. you need to make something thats unique to the market. DED stands out because of its staining power. Junobo stands out not only because of the colors, but because of the formula. It doesnt flow like regular thinner and paint. I have a variety of ingredients. Some ingredients are in the mix, not to effect the paints consistancy, but to work with another ingredient that will help another ingredient, that helps to effect the paint. Its crazy shit. Which is why it can be imitated but never duplicated. :D


oink has some rediculous ink too from what ive heard..and now with his second batch having even more staining power? that is rediculous. i know he didnt take some pilot and marsh, slap them together and sell it. theres some lab work involved. no hate to those starting selling, im just ranting and off to mix and its hot in philly...


I didn't just wake up one day and make this paint either. I had made this a long time ago, and I just joined 12oz, and got a cam, thus ending in me posting it. And if anyone can make my paint, why do people want to buy it? It can't be so easy, just like with theblockishot. If his is so simple, why do so many people want to buy it? The reason is because it's not simple. It took me dozens of time to get that green. I worked hard on it. I bet theblockishot did the same. Don't take it the wrong way, but yeah.


Knim one- It's called business for a reason. And one person isn't why I want a name change. The name just wasn't very creative

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rogue i wasnt directing that to you, i have no clue whats in your mix...i was just saying in general



and i got a new limited color for a 12oz refill...should be up on the site in ten minutes. only have about 10 bottles so its gonna move fast!


Oh, I'm sorry dude. I'll have to check that shit out. Maybe get a bottle....

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In desperate need of a type of black ink that will NOT give greyish stains when using it outdoors. Grog is a joke.

Buff is not an issue around here, I want it to be able to stay up for years. A really weatherproof type of ink. It will be used almost exclusively on steel and plastic.

Is Marsh a good choice for me? And if it is, can I make it more weatherproof by adding anything?

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AHAHAHHAHAHAHA you people don't understand. If my shit was just paint and thinner i would just fucking say that so you can make it your goddamn selves. I've been making my mixes for years and just recently got my paint mix perfected for every color. Also, im doing this because people REQUESTED for my shit, either by saying "yo teach me how to make that" or "you think i can buy some off of you?" and i always said "its my special mix, i can't tell you how to make it. And my batches aren't big enough to be selling you a 12-20 ounce bottle". so, FUCK YOU HATERS, HOP OFF EVRYONES BALLS THATS TRYING TO HELP YOU NOOBS OUT:rolleyes: !!!!


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