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The Street Sticker Thread


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Originally posted by droptheknife@Oct 21 2004, 12:02 PM

5003 who the fuck are you to tell people what they can and can't do?! You fucking internet queen...shut up. bump for the stickers by the way.


HAHAHA....Son I have more stuff in Boston than you can even comprehend.......Shitloads of tags, stickers, drawings, paintings...........shitloads.....


..The point is "who are you".....that's right "nobody" ....so keep my name out your mouth, you're dealing with someone way outta your league.....I've been writing graffiti for 10 years and been doing "street art" for like the last 5.......Have some respect when you address your elders.......


By the way nice flicks Stomah and RWK I guess I was trying to get people a little excited to start posting more flix...rejuvinate the thread.....It Worked!!!!!!


No diss to anyone on here doin there "art" thing....My comments are ment for a few of you not all of you......




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wheres the beef?

street art is not graffiti? or what? gettin up is gettin up no matter what technique u use..its just evolution takin course here...hell if i got a cardboard and some chewing gum ill put that piece up mcguyver styles..haha


hey parke start postin some fliks and we can trade

heh or just drop me an email


ok here are some FRESH pics for ya'll

wish these were bigger but my photobucket has reached its limit

Filat,Cras,Fried,El Toro,Bob,Creeper,RWK




Cute Crimes, RWK, El Toro, Fried, Slowpoke,5003


this is for you slowpoke


big sign..and some close ups


emad,fr0st,El Toro and Slowpoke,Fried, Foob


bob,5003,Toro, Cute Crimes Crew, Miss Ellie King (really tiny), Fried,RWK,Ress


Fried, toro


Cute Crimes Crew, TOro,Fried, 5003,RWK


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more pics for ya'll to drool on hahaha


i love findin random objects on the street corners

Fried, RWk, Toro


bob, rwk, 5003, cute crimes crew,savageGirl,Toro, Fried


vatoe,toro,fried as vincent vega


olb bob, old toro, new one that ive noticed, please get at me for a proper name


big booty sticker, me, nerd character?


el toro,fried


taxi driver by bob, el toro, BMU


stencil by face




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chew on this


idk who did this stencil but its good


big booty and toro


fried, el toro




more of that sign...fried, 5003 and defacto


defacto,fried, bob, toro, defacto stencil


old to the new


tags on stickers plus el toro



ok thats it..you better get motivated and get out on the streets where u belong

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why do some people post the same damn sticker flick over and over again? we get it.....you drew something and you stuck it on a pole. great! maybe if there were some other stickers of interest along with yours, it might make for better viewing.


waiting for these pics to load up on every page is a nightmare, especially when it's the same people posting the same type of sticker flick.

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phatwop: man, it's an art form. just like everything else. the characters are identifying aspects of the artist. ups does it, coke does it, everyone....ever writers....we recognize companies and writers by trademarks. doesn't mean they do they same thing over and over all of the time.


it's like marketing.


i can respect your opinion, but i don't agree with you.

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Originally posted by 0RB1T0N3R@Oct 25 2004, 10:13 PM

shut up bitch, no one asked for yer opinion or your comment.



dude if i wanted your stupid opinion, i'd ask for it.

i do just as much stickering and pasting as anyone. i just think you need to be a massive egomaniac about it and keep sticking

shitloads of pix here of the same vibe. it doesn't even show off an area or worldwide local. hell, it could all be done in the backyard....that's not "gettin' up " is it?


it's bout gettin' all city, world wide, large and in charge without being a petty little pain in the ass.


i appreciate some of the other comments, but zapata better shut his trap. and slowpoke, lay off your lame shit for awhile. we get your drift....you draw a dopey character and stick it up all over the place. who doesn't?

take it to the next level...not some 15 year old with stickers and a felt pen.



****** Hey.... dont post personal info. Use email for things like that.

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phatwop, getting up all city? are you kidding? a lot of the pics posted here are from philly and you can't take one step in this city without seeing a bob or el toro sticker. i'm not even exaggerating. i'm sure the same is true for some others here. those guys don't need me defending what is posted but if you think these are pictures from a backyard you don't know what you're talking about. silly internet arguments are the reason i'm only on this site once a month. peace.

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I'm just gonna guess that Phatwop is an old member that didn't have the balls to say some shit on his old name, so he made a brand new one just so he can get some shit talking off his chest. But it's all good, thanks for the push. Your beautiful words have inspired me to "go all city" now. I don't know why I had just been aiming for backyard fame before...

Love, your favorite 15 year old with stickers and a felt pen.

Dopey SlowPoke

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