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man this is a fuckin battle thread if you guys wanna keep talkin shit then just battle pieces and if you wanna keep talkin shit then I will battle you to shut up.... Loser shuts the fuck up I don't care if I lose... it would be my accomplishment. So use PM or battle me because this shit is week battle style not paragraphs we can talk shit all day but put your skillls where your mouth is....PICK A WORD... losing is better than faking the funk

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THIS THREAD HAS TURNED TO COMPLETE SHIT. serifs&clips, will be a good judge, primarily because his criticism is valid and backed with a educated answer. Critisism is never bad, as long as it has meaning, instead of "that shit sucks." Oh, and what is the next throwie battle, I am down. Sorry I slipped on the last one.

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Biting on a man who is judging a battle on THIS VERY THREAD is not only WACK in general principal, it's just not that bright!!!! shit, I would've never saw that because MFW is on my ignore list, THE ONLY PERSON EVER PUT ON THE LIST..... so thank's for quoting and comparing.....

I see the similarities in the 2 arrows, they're almost exactly the same. Dont know why but they are...That being said I can see where Zone would think I bit his arrow but I've never seen that sketch he posted... so there is no way possible I bit the arrow, just a really weird coincidence. So dont go comparing this to your Mad scientist character that you completely ripped off...It's nothing like that.


At least this gave Anger a chance to swing from Zone's nuts...That's always funny to watch. :lol:



This will be the last time I comment on this shit.




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Did all the toys come here to vote on their favorite TOY? Out of the ones posted Edogg wins.


Neber and Voicemail need to stay in the toy thread.

damn kid you just don't know whats up maybe you should just start your own thread "BITERS" you just don't know whats up why are people voting for mine and just over look you trash that you drew up in your Fisher Price blackbook:lol:

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damn kid you just don't know whats up maybe you should just start your own thread "BITERS" you just don't know whats up why are people voting for mine and just over look you trash that you drew up in your Fisher Price blackbook:lol:
You cant even draw a straight line, and you're talkin down???


Those teef on the R and E are real dope though, no way I could touch those. :lol:

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