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about the listen hands battle, NEBER1Z was the only person on time for it...

if its okay with him i will put it up for voting after these two finish, but technically he should get an auto-win,

although i know most people dont like getting the auto-win, so this is up to him not me.

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all i hear is whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch ^


and Optick, stop complaining when you lose, you are very good but that doesnt mean you're going to constantly win every battle, this isnt mindgem


no beef intended (with optick... could care less about earthworm)

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Anyone who disagrees with the "god" or doesnt bow down to his supreme glory shall be deemed toy......

you got skill's but I think people arent voting for you because maby your EGO is a little (understatment)...... ugh, inflated? so just shrug it off and "let your style speak for itself" as you said!!!

I'm done beefing with you and I'm not going to go back and forth again... just stating the painfully obvious


I vote for OPDICK for the remote and EDOGG for the rituals....

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Mr. Ded dick asian, You a fuckin toy who dont know shit.

Go sit back down. You on this forum thinking you somebody.

Reality check;

You just another fuckin toy ass nigga hiding behind a fake name.

You a temporary bug along with the rest of the hating ban wagon on my nuts.

Please get off the dilznik you faggit ass maggit.

Toy ass Bottom feeder with your toy sketches, claiming to be ill, trying to call out pro niggas.

You stupid?




Yes you are.

Damn Retard.

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Another thing,

Dont mean to complain like this,

but on the realz,

this thread needs some real judges.

I dont appreciate toys judging these battles.

One thing about graff is this;


Who gave them power?


Niggas need to weed out these toys.

Go to the toy thread with that bullshit.


<And yes, I got a big ego, and a big dick(for all my haters), thats why most yall be trying to ride it.>


But that should not matter.

Stop picking favorites like some pussies.


Yall wanna judge???


OK then,

Why was the piece you pick your choice?

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ok fine be a pussy, ima just rag on you everyday for backing out of a toy battle because ur bitch ass cant paint for shit


hey douchebag, news flash:


i dont really give a shit what you think


i never said i was great or better than you, i am just talking shit for no reason because thats what the internets is for


and as far as if i can paint or not i guess you can be the judge but i never said i was the greatest


and i have seen your painted shit soooo.... yea... here ya go




now go do some rap battles or something, stop annoying me

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@ enigmatic

Yes I can, because they playing favorites. Just because E dogg dont be bombing on you nigguz makes E dogg you all's favorite.

Its that clear.

I respect E dogg.

And to find out E dogg is a she(if that rumor is true), I give mad props to that.


But most yall pussies in here pick for personality, and not style.

Its all out war on you fake toy niggaz from now on.

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and as far as what Optick said, i agree.


it would be nice if there were some very qualified judges to help out on this thread.

but guess what no one on 12oz has the time to dedicate themselves like that... (except my lame no life havin ass :lol:)


so can we please just stop the complaining, this thread is garbage with all this fuckin whining.

if you dont like how it works there is a simple solution: leave.



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anyways, nobody even won either battle yet, more votes are still needed.


so if you havent voted yet, go back one to page 461 and vote on the:


rituals throwie battle


remote piece b&w battle


and dont think i dont notice people trying to double vote.... :lol:




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