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massive amount of noise rock, lo/no-fi punk, wall of sound, glorious shit being uploaded right now. If you don't care, great. If you're into loud, grimy, vile, heavy shit, you're going to be psyched. Should have about 25 records to post with only 1 or 2 reposts. I'm probably going to skip descriptions this time, besides maybe a brief sentence or two for a couple of the bands. If you want to find a decent description you can always hunt one down yourself or just take the minute to download and check it out instead of basing your decision on my half assed write ups.


100mbs uploaded, only 700 more to go. Should be posted up in the next hour.



Also, any recommendations for my next big batch of uploads? I'm thinking a big post of japanese shit, but if someone else throws out some bands they like, i'd be happy to see what i have that is similar.

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Japanese stuff it is then.


In about 15-20 minutes i'll edit this post with all the shit i just uploaded, then if i'm feeling motivated i'll start uploading japanese shit.



Here it is. All of it could fall into the noise rock category, though some of it is weirder/heavier/more punk/more lo fi/etc than others. I'm going to keep the descriptions short, so if you're unsure just download it and give it a listen.




Swedish band thats been around since 85. Two of the members are also in totalitar. This is the fucking definition of no-fi, which basically means it sounds like it was recorded in a dumpster, but thats fucking perfect for this. Heavy as hell, and the most vile lyrics about rape, murder, child molestation, and constant references to anal sex. It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, since the songs tend to drone on for a really long time with the same lyrics repeated over and over, but goddamn is it good. If you aren't familiar with Brainbombs, i suggest starting with Obey. Don't let the happy intro to kill them all fool you.

Obey: http://www.mediafire.com/?iynzkzqoiyy

Urge To Kill: http://www.mediafire.com/?ihrtnq3jnmy

Cheap: http://www.mediafire.com/?2m0zbz3bjiy


Billy Bao

I don't know a whole lot about this band, but its musically comparable to brainbombs and stickmen with rayguns. Noisy, weird, political lyrics. Yeaaah.

Dialectics Of Shit: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymlh2nmd3ty

May 08: http://www.mediafire.com/?th2nunymdmz


Big Black

One of Steve Albini's bands, so you know its good. Go look up your own fucking description

Songs About Fucking: http://www.mediafire.com/?lmm1oy2lmlm



This is a repost, but it fits in here. Now defunct band from Philly. Had a reputation for being confrontational as hell and trying to piss off everyone. This quote sums them up nicely.

"In late spring of 2008 singer and vocalist John Sharkey III moved to Melbourne, Australia, henceforth leaving the band in the lurch but not before a legendary performance at Brooklyn's Southpaw Club, opening for hardcore stalwarts Negative Approach. In flippant response to opening for a band trying to cash in on former successes, the band, directly before NA hit the stage, performed a fifteen-minute slowed down, sludge version of the Negative Approach classic "Ready To Fight" that went on to incite crowd violence during and after the band's set. Vocal reactions were a mixed affair but a quote was offered from NA drummer Chris "Opie" Moore: "That was great, I've seen Flipper in their heyday but I've never seen a band piss off a crowd like that before.""

Babylon Rules: http://www.mediafire.com/?4qmtm1j5xm1



NYC noise rock. Drums, guitar and vocals. Lo fi as fuck, and the guitarist manages to make her amp put out a complete wall of noise. Megaphone style vocals. Rad.

Knife Day 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?fiyimwyttjz

My Chinese Sister (cassette): http://www.mediafire.com/?mmdmdimljom

Born Pregnant LP: http://www.mediafire.com/?uwazoynlucy


Drunks With Guns

Mid to late 80s punk/noise rock.

ST LP: http://www.mediafire.com/?1mtyoyiizyt


Fag Cop

Another repost. Weird garage punk/noise rock type shit. Really noisy, really lo-fi.

I'm Fucking Dead 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?h2mc3nmdett

Illuminati Dollar: http://www.mediafire.com/?0zhnzomjz2y



Bay area legends/heroin junkies. Vocalist served like 15 years in jail after strangling his girlfriend to death in a junkie rage after she stole some money from him. Not so much noise rock is it is punk/grunge. Land shark is a must have record in my opinion.

Land Shark: http://www.mediafire.com/?ziinnziibz0

Where the Wild Things Are: http://www.mediafire.com/?c4ozngzzzm2



Another repost. Flipper rules. This is by far their best record in my book. blah blah blah, go look it up yourself. Another must have.

Generic: http://www.mediafire.com/?dilkkjnmmiz


Francis Harold and the Holograms

lo-fi garage punk/noise rock, sludgy, weirdos. This is some fucked up noisy shit that is guaranteed to make your friends wonder what the fuck is wrong with you. Get into it.

The Eagle Can't Fly With One Wing: http://www.mediafire.com/?vgjmw2wixln

Mirror of Fear: http://www.mediafire.com/?dyoghn3myym


Fresh Meat

Repost again, but its worth it. Fucked up, noisy punk from Allentown, PA.

Leather Daddy 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?ojyzvzojadj

Sweather b/w Man or Woman: http://www.mediafire.com/?1dgiki2mdi2



Cleveland weirdos. Fast, noisy, odd garage punk.

The Brutal Birthday EP/Cat Music 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?dmofjmmmvem



Fucked up, loud, noisy, highly distorted and heavy as hell.

ST 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?yml2c5d0nhw

Deads 12": http://www.mediafire.com/?mhymlnmijmw

Megan's lolz 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?ywmalgitdf2



Another Steve Albini project, which once again means its awesome. Also had some members from Scratch Acid

Two Nuns and a Pack Mule: http://www.mediafire.com/?5akmzzznmzw



I don't know a whole lot about this band other than they're from Florida and one of the members is also in Cult Ritual. Kinda similar sounding to drunkdriver. This cassette is 5 songs in 8 minutes on the A side and then an 8 minute song on the B side. Yep.

Heaven Only Knows: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmddeymnmzl


The Jesus Lizard

Formed in chicago in 89. Two of the members were previously in Scratch Acid. grungy noise rock. This band is classic.

Goat: http://www.mediafire.com/?jlyxhhiiqdw



Another noise rock band from Allentown, PA. Has one of the members from Fresh Meat, but this is a lot heavier than that. I dig it. You might too.

Adult Video: http://www.mediafire.com/?gdninmv3fyr



I have more records from some of these bands, or other bands like stickmen with rayguns, swans, scratch acid, etc if people want more, but i have a feeling only like 2 people are going to be into this post. The japanese shit will probably be a bit more popular with most of the crowd in here. Enjoy regardless.

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self bump. and if none of you bastards post to comment on the shit i uploaded or recommend some other shit to upload tomorrow along with all the japanese bands, i'll be self bumping this shit again. Even if you don't know what noise rock is, it sounds like something you'd hate, or you're generally not into it, you should check out a few of those albums. i guarantee there is something in there that all of you will like. If you're more of just a heavy hardcore type of person, check out Mayyors and Tile. Both are heavy as fuck and even some of you folks who don't care for most of the shit i'm into might be down with that. I also recommend everyone download Land Shark by Fang, regardless of what you listen to. That album is a total ripper.

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self bump. and if none of you bastards post to comment on the shit i uploaded or recommend some other shit to upload tomorrow along with all the japanese bands, i'll be self bumping this shit again. Even if you don't know what noise rock is, it sounds like something you'd hate, or you're generally not into it, you should check out a few of those albums. i guarantee there is something in there that all of you will like. If you're more of just a heavy hardcore type of person, check out Mayyors and Tile. Both are heavy as fuck and even some of you folks who don't care for most of the shit i'm into might be down with that. I also recommend everyone download Land Shark by Fang, regardless of what you listen to. That album is a total ripper.


This shit sucks. Theyve only got 1 singer. who the fuck listens to faggot bands with 1 fucking singer? poser. get on some real levels and do some work

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jesus christ..... will people ever stop being faggots and talking about punk being dead?





Hot Topic Punks in a Fake Punk World

Posted Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:52pm PDT by Shawn Amos in GetBack

Punk is dead. Actually, it died a long time ago once the Sex Pistols imploded and The Clash's Joe Strummer had the temerity to kick Mick Jones out of the band and then release the career-kiling record "Cut the Crap."

No, scratch that. Punk died when the first Hot Topic store opened in 1988.

What started as a way to capitalize on the early MTV craze has become pre-fabricated shorthand for something that is supposed to resemble punk in some sanitized, VMA world. Now you can now have that punk rock feeling without ever leaving the safety of the shopping mall. It's the Hot Topic-ing of America.

Punk was born on the street but is now bred in major label board rooms with clothing manufacturer tie-ins. Here's a reminder of pre-Hot Topic punk when the safety pins came from a dirty rehearsal room instead of an online catalogue.


GALLERY: The Sex Pistols: Original Hot Topic Band?


There's something wrong about a publicly traded company (over $741M in revenue in 2006) selling "Blood Is the New Pink" wristbands. Or maybe it's right. Maybe it's just as punk as Johnny Rotten schilling butter on a British commercial. Maybe Hot Topic just figured out what other '70s punks were too dumb to realize: it's better to be the man than fight him.

And now…the Hot Topic Top 5



They began as the shining stars of 924 Gilman Street (a Berkeley, CA punk club dedicated to independent punk music) and wound up as poster boys for major label sellouts. Certainly, any band who's sold over 20 million albums and won three Grammys is having the last laugh. Still, they're not doing the punk legacy any favors.



The Canadian "pop punk" singer claims the following as her punk bona fide: working to establish equal rights for skateboarders and marrying fellow Hot Topic punker Deryck Whibley (Sum 41). Two words that should ever go together are "pop" and "punk." Her and Whibley split in September, which can only help their cred. Divorce is very punk.



Tattoos do not the punk make.



If it weren't for the Madden twins' dating Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, I'd be convinced. Any true punk wouldn't be within 10 miles of those two chicks.



What is it with French Canadians and pop punk? Another Hot Topic band who committed yet another cardinal punk sin. Band members Pierre Bouvier and Chuck Comeau started brainstorming about forming a band while attending a Sugar Ray show. 'Nuff said.

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normally i wouldnt care to share that shit, but when thats the first article on yahoo news, its a bit much.


in other news me and my buddy wrote 2 songs in the past 2 days on a whim, think we're gonna try and run with it cause they're not half bad so far. kinda punk/metal-ish, we wrote the drums and guitar, then i put down some vocals just for shits and gigs and its not to shabby, kinda tough guy sounding though haha.

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Stumbled across a punk record store i didn't even know existed today. Snagged two Homostupids 7"s (Glow EP and Cat Music), SFN's ST EP on clear green, and Loser Life - Things Will Never Change all for $13. I know the first 3 have been sold out for quite some time, and i do believe the Loser Life 7" is too. Score.



Snagged Tear It Up's ST EP on purple marble, Life Trap - Bleak Reality on clear vinyl, and DS-13 - Aborted Teen Generation on grey marble all for cheap on ebay earlier this week too. I now understand why people get addicted to buying vinyl.



Also, anyone who thinks the sex pistols breaking up had any impact on punk is dumb. Fuck the sex pistols. Fuck people talking about punk being dead. Fuck people who have no idea about punk trying to make statements about it. And definitely fuck major labels for marketing so much terrible music as punk, and when i mention listening to punk to people they ask me some bullshit like, "oh, like blink182 and green day?" No. Fuck you. end rant.

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ha, thats what im saying, i fuckin hate the sex pistols, always have, always will. if that british fuck sid vicious is what the majority of people refer to as punk, count me the fuck outta that conversation.


cool you found that store, found some store down in atlanta that had a shitload of old metal/punk records, i buddy dropped $400 easy. personally i though he was fucking nuts. but to each his own i guess.

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If you like smoking weed, drinking beer and headbanging, yes.



and shameless self bump. plus my mediafire if you want any shit i've posted in the past too. Most of it is labeled artist and record, some just artist with multiple records and a few just the album name. Ask if you're curious about what something is or what it sounds like. Or just check it out



Here it is. All of it could fall into the noise rock category, though some of it is weirder/heavier/more punk/more lo fi/etc than others. I'm going to keep the descriptions short, so if you're unsure just download it and give it a listen.




Swedish band thats been around since 85. Two of the members are also in totalitar. This is the fucking definition of no-fi, which basically means it sounds like it was recorded in a dumpster, but thats fucking perfect for this. Heavy as hell, and the most vile lyrics about rape, murder, child molestation, and constant references to anal sex. It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, since the songs tend to drone on for a really long time with the same lyrics repeated over and over, but goddamn is it good. If you aren't familiar with Brainbombs, i suggest starting with Obey. Don't let the happy intro to kill them all fool you.

Obey: http://www.mediafire.com/?iynzkzqoiyy

Urge To Kill: http://www.mediafire.com/?ihrtnq3jnmy

Cheap: http://www.mediafire.com/?2m0zbz3bjiy


Billy Bao

I don't know a whole lot about this band, but its musically comparable to brainbombs and stickmen with rayguns. Noisy, weird, political lyrics. Yeaaah.

Dialectics Of Shit: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymlh2nmd3ty

May 08: http://www.mediafire.com/?th2nunymdmz


Big Black

One of Steve Albini's bands, so you know its good. Go look up your own fucking description

Songs About Fucking: http://www.mediafire.com/?lmm1oy2lmlm



This is a repost, but it fits in here. Now defunct band from Philly. Had a reputation for being confrontational as hell and trying to piss off everyone. This quote sums them up nicely.

"In late spring of 2008 singer and vocalist John Sharkey III moved to Melbourne, Australia, henceforth leaving the band in the lurch but not before a legendary performance at Brooklyn's Southpaw Club, opening for hardcore stalwarts Negative Approach. In flippant response to opening for a band trying to cash in on former successes, the band, directly before NA hit the stage, performed a fifteen-minute slowed down, sludge version of the Negative Approach classic "Ready To Fight" that went on to incite crowd violence during and after the band's set. Vocal reactions were a mixed affair but a quote was offered from NA drummer Chris "Opie" Moore: "That was great, I've seen Flipper in their heyday but I've never seen a band piss off a crowd like that before.""

Babylon Rules: http://www.mediafire.com/?4qmtm1j5xm1



NYC noise rock. Drums, guitar and vocals. Lo fi as fuck, and the guitarist manages to make her amp put out a complete wall of noise. Megaphone style vocals. Rad.

Knife Day 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?fiyimwyttjz

My Chinese Sister (cassette): http://www.mediafire.com/?mmdmdimljom

Born Pregnant LP: http://www.mediafire.com/?uwazoynlucy


Drunks With Guns

Mid to late 80s punk/noise rock.

ST LP: http://www.mediafire.com/?1mtyoyiizyt


Fag Cop

Another repost. Weird garage punk/noise rock type shit. Really noisy, really lo-fi.

I'm Fucking Dead 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?h2mc3nmdett

Illuminati Dollar: http://www.mediafire.com/?0zhnzomjz2y



Bay area legends/heroin junkies. Vocalist served like 15 years in jail after strangling his girlfriend to death in a junkie rage after she stole some money from him. Not so much noise rock is it is punk/grunge. Land shark is a must have record in my opinion.

Land Shark: http://www.mediafire.com/?ziinnziibz0

Where the Wild Things Are: http://www.mediafire.com/?c4ozngzzzm2



Another repost. Flipper rules. This is by far their best record in my book. blah blah blah, go look it up yourself. Another must have.

Generic: http://www.mediafire.com/?dilkkjnmmiz


Francis Harold and the Holograms

lo-fi garage punk/noise rock, sludgy, weirdos. This is some fucked up noisy shit that is guaranteed to make your friends wonder what the fuck is wrong with you. Get into it.

The Eagle Can't Fly With One Wing: http://www.mediafire.com/?vgjmw2wixln

Mirror of Fear: http://www.mediafire.com/?dyoghn3myym


Fresh Meat

Repost again, but its worth it. Fucked up, noisy punk from Allentown, PA.

Leather Daddy 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?ojyzvzojadj

Sweather b/w Man or Woman: http://www.mediafire.com/?1dgiki2mdi2



Cleveland weirdos. Fast, noisy, odd garage punk.

The Brutal Birthday EP/Cat Music 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?dmofjmmmvem



Fucked up, loud, noisy, highly distorted and heavy as hell.

ST 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?yml2c5d0nhw

Deads 12": http://www.mediafire.com/?mhymlnmijmw

Megan's lolz 7": http://www.mediafire.com/?ywmalgitdf2



Another Steve Albini project, which once again means its awesome. Also had some members from Scratch Acid

Two Nuns and a Pack Mule: http://www.mediafire.com/?5akmzzznmzw



I don't know a whole lot about this band other than they're from Florida and one of the members is also in Cult Ritual. Kinda similar sounding to drunkdriver. This cassette is 5 songs in 8 minutes on the A side and then an 8 minute song on the B side. Yep.

Heaven Only Knows: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmddeymnmzl


The Jesus Lizard

Formed in chicago in 89. Two of the members were previously in Scratch Acid. grungy noise rock. This band is classic.

Goat: http://www.mediafire.com/?jlyxhhiiqdw



Another noise rock band from Allentown, PA. Has one of the members from Fresh Meat, but this is a lot heavier than that. I dig it. You might too.

Adult Video: http://www.mediafire.com/?gdninmv3fyr



I have more records from some of these bands, or other bands like stickmen with rayguns, swans, scratch acid, etc if people want more, but i have a feeling only like 2 people are going to be into this post. The japanese shit will probably be a bit more popular with most of the crowd in here. Enjoy regardless.

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