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You were wrong in assuming i like terrible shit like throwdown. And if i wanted to listen to tech guitar playing, i'd listen to some metal, not your fucking numetal garbage. Who cares if dude can play "well", they still suck dick and sound like something that teenagers from Iowa would go crazy over.


I'd rather listen to a sloppy, fast, and short punk solo any day than some generic finger tapping and sweep arpeggios, terrible breakdowns, and boring ass vocals.

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Alright what other guitarist can keep up with Marc from Veil of Maya in your little hardcore bullshit record collection? Cricle Jerks? no. Xafbx, xbishopx, throwdown? no. any of your thrash punk political bullshit...NO. get over it...the time in which leftover crack and their counterparts were popular is now over.



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And your wrong assuming I was talking about his sweeps and finger tapping. Just try and count and figure out what Marc's time signatures are...terrible breakdowns? a terrible breakdown is some 4/4 counted out splash splash snare shit, and if your comment about "Iowa" is pointed towards me...well I am from, born, and raised in DC. Just tell me what kind of shit your into man...I'd looooooove to know....

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You admitting he does sweeps and finger taps just proves even more that it isn't hardcore or punk at all, Its bad metal, and i still don't get why people fee inclined to try to lump metalcore and mosh metal in with hardcore at all. Also, not being able to figure out what time signature it is doesn't sound at all appealing.


You do you though. you can have your crappy metalcore, but don't bother posting it in this thread since no one gives a fuck.

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Alright what other guitarist can keep up with Marc from Veil of Maya in your little hardcore bullshit record collection? Cricle Jerks? no. Xafbx, xbishopx, throwdown? no. any of your thrash punk political bullshit...NO. get over it...the time in which leftover crack and their counterparts were popular is now over.




Anyone who plays in an actual DM band wont just keep up, they'll tear your boyfriend a new one..


Dave Suzuki, Vital Remains

John Gallagher, Dying Fetus

Muhammed Suicmez, Necrophagist

Vogg, Decapitated/Lux Occulta

Ed Borja, Maruta


And all these dudes arent just about lame sweeps, finger tapping, mindless stuccato on palm-mute, repetative pinch harmonics, and generic chords. Now go take your generic metalcore death metal ripoff to the Death Metal/Black Metal/Grindcore thread, but you'll probably be made fun of over there also. Clown.



Back to hardcore

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Exactly, the nu-waver faggot cant come up with a good comeback, so he ignores the facts and makes a fool out of himself by changing up the bands names into something lame just like the other bands that he listens to.


Next time you try to act like you know what you're talking about.. actually KNOW what you're talking about. Stick to your nu-wave bullshit, homie.

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I'm pretty sure he just gave you examples of a handful of guitarists who all slay your boy in Veil Of Maya, but you ignored that and poorly changed their names in an attempt at a diss. I'm also pretty sure that between facemelt and the other metalheads on here, they could give you a few hundred bands who's guitarists all shit on some shitty numetalcore guitarist who you've hung out with, and that'd just be the tip of the iceberg.

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man you guys really suck each others dicks on here.

Ha. You're the one riding a mediocre guitarist's jock like there's no tomorrow. We're just defending our thread because a couple times every month or so, someone like you wanders in claiming some shitty band is the best hardcore band, when they have nothing at all to do with hardcore or punk in the least.


If you're looking for tech guitar players, go find the DM/BM/grind/whatever thread that should be floating around on the first few pages of this forum. If this thread was for tech guitar playing, it wouldn't be called the HARDCORE thread.


PS: its spelled "homie" not "hommie". Geriatric fuck.

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Im certainly not an 'old-head' .. Ive just been exposed around punk/hardcore/DIY/grindcore/metal scene for a long time to actually know what's credible and what isnt, in which your case, is not. Those 'death metalcore' bands that you listen to are nothing but a fucking trend, which is worse than the emo bullshit. You've got absolutely no knowledge of what's around you, and I doubt that you even know anything about the bands that Ive mentioned before.


And if you've hung out with 'over half of them', then you should know better than to compare your egotistical bands that do it for the shitty mediocre 'musicianship' with 'political bullshit' bands that have been around for a long time.


Know your shit, fool.



And dont try to front like you got a PROP instead of a negaprop. even if you click on 'disapprove' it still shows up on User CP and it looks like a prop, but it really isnt. You're stupider than I fucking thought.


You mad :lol::lol::lol:

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