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fuzzy, forreal? everyone acting like they're boys with this other smut that they found on some other website, angry cuz they dont know him and he's iller thAn they knew. man some people just love to hate on younguns coming up quicker than the oldie's would like.

this coming from someone that couldn't even pick his own name!

and don't be mad cause some of us know alot more people then you kids do.stop being little wankers and you might get somewhere.you're real quick to run off at the keyboard when info is dropped,take the advice.i pushed a name for like a year and a half,found out there was an old school one from philly,and i started looking for a new name.a name should be something to be proud of,not something that people are gonna laugh about and clown on. i mean shit rebus used to write sek,he knew he needed a better name,it happens to most people that get into this game.you can never be a real writer until you have your own name,when you own a word your doing graff right.--thats my thought on the subject.

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this coming from someone that couldn't even pick his own name!

and don't be mad cause some of us know alot more people then you kids do.stop being little wankers and you might get somewhere.you're real quick to run off at the keyboard when info is dropped,take the advice.i pushed a name for like a year and a half,found out there was an old school one from philly,and i started looking for a new name.a name should be something to be proud of,not something that people are gonna laugh about and clown on. i mean shit rebus used to write sek,he knew he needed a better name,it happens to most people that get into this game.you can never be a real writer until you have your own name,when you own a word your doing graff right.--thats my thought on the subject.





i mean i totally agree on the name thing and shit...if an established writer has a name then you might want to choose another one..but if they dont then just leave it be...i think i just have a different outlook on it all...i just dont care...all you dudes are just growing wrinkles over other peoples situations...we paint to paint..not the beef, not to gain crazy fame, not to meet tons of people...i mean if that works out which it has for me at times then thats cool...and we respect you guys who put in hella amounts of work...but we dont type off at kids who arnt....you guys just worry to much about what other people are doing..i guess it makes this shit interesting because you guys act like your 4 years old and its hilarious...but then again what do i know?..im sure people will get their panties bunched on that one...

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go team


hate it when that happens.....let me know if you need another wheel. You could stop by on your way through and pick it up if need be


Im riding egg-beaters right now but in about 10 minutes I'll be back on platforms....those pedals suck for road

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i mean i totally agree on the name thing and shit...if an established writer has a name then you might want to choose another one..but if they dont then just leave it be...i think i just have a different outlook on it all...i just dont care...all you dudes are just growing wrinkles over other peoples situations...we paint to paint..not the beef, not to gain crazy fame, not to meet tons of people...i mean if that works out which it has for me at times then thats cool...and we respect you guys who put in hella amounts of work...but we dont type off at kids who arnt....you guys just worry to much about what other people are doing..i guess it makes this shit interesting because you guys act like your 4 years old and its hilarious...but then again what do i know?..im sure people will get their panties bunched on that one...



blah blah blah........you sound gay

hows that for a 4-year olds comment.....hahahahahaha

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usually I am quiet about the fodder that we fill in between the burst of pictures, probably because I am older than everyone here and mostly because it is annoying (but then again no one forces me here).


As far ar the name thing, yeah you could use an name that someone else uses (knowingly or not), its been done before. Because the world is smaller these days, geography doesn't really factor in the decision making process. If you know someone else has the same name (and chances are someone does) just be ready for the "you aren't the real [insert graf name here] discussion. Use it as motivation - not to complain, but to do your thing and us old wrinkley guys will respect you...

and if you don't think its possible to rock the same name just look up EWOK, KERSE, SEEN just for starters...


and not for nothing, I have been there..

Jade, Alone, Omens, Jumps, Kiro are all names I used to rock decades ago and I usually see one of them posted here every week lol...


I have to go put on my anti-aging skin rejuventor on..

and oh yeah..



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wheres the des,jerx,zhou and eats from that rack?


ha ha i didn't even noticed that was the car lol....

and as far as opinions, i know, i just want to see how many of these kids have the heart to do this for as long as they can,,i just press peoples buttons in a different way,,


and this fuckwad looks at me today with my giants jersey and says

"Wear it well until about 8 pm" to which I respond "No I'll wear it the same way i have since before you were born ya Patriots cock jocker"..

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some of yall need to loosen up and some of yall need to tighten up...

nobody said graffiti is fair..there are people in this game who just dont give a fuck about nothing in life but graffiti, as cool as you think that is or as sad as you might think that is, its reality. if you dont care what name you write and dont care what people think then stay off the internet because this is another element of graffiti that is twisted and cruel..for the most part, people arnt gonna be nice, thats to be expected..


"if you cant run with the big dogs then stay on the porch" syndrome runs rampid in NC but another harsh reality is there are no freebies. i think Espo said it best...youre toy until further notice.. if you cant handle criticism, shit talk, beef, the consequences of getting arrested or the self detemination to better your craft then you should consider quitting.

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some of yall need to loosen up and some of yall need to tighten up...

nobody said graffiti is fair..there are people in this game who just dont give a fuck about nothing in life but graffiti, as cool as you think that is or as sad as you might think that is, its reality. if you dont care what name you write and dont care what people think then stay off the internet because this is another element of graffiti that is twisted and cruel..for the most part, people arnt gonna be nice, thats to be expected..


"if you cant run with the big dogs then stay on the porch" syndrome runs rampid in NC but another harsh reality is there are no freebies. i think Espo said it best...youre toy until further notice.. if you cant handle criticism, shit talk, beef, the consequences of getting arrested or the self detemination to better your craft then you should consider quitting.





Go Panthers!!!!

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some of yall need to loosen up and some of yall need to tighten up...

nobody said graffiti is fair..there are people in this game who just dont give a fuck about nothing in life but graffiti, as cool as you think that is or as sad as you might think that is, its reality. if you dont care what name you write and dont care what people think then stay off the internet because this is another element of graffiti that is twisted and cruel..for the most part, people arnt gonna be nice, thats to be expected..


"if you cant run with the big dogs then stay on the porch" syndrome runs rampid in NC but another harsh reality is there are no freebies. i think Espo said it best...youre toy until further notice.. if you cant handle criticism, shit talk, beef, the consequences of getting arrested or the self detemination to better your craft then you should consider quitting.


one of the most profound things i've heard on here...

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