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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

your right it was mya, haha, man im retarded.


toro, i ment would you wanna do the im with stupid stickers, i got some ready for ya.





lore, nice work, we should trade sometime.



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WE'LL TRADE SOON !!!!!!!!!




I like it, its not repetative.

No offense on the others though, trust me, I feel ya, not like they go on the same spot, they go everywhere and different cities.


I was willing to trade, but I know I'll have 2 wait, cause I aint got my DIGITAL UP yet.

SO I'll be back.

I don't rock characters though, Just str8 up detailed lables of my tag.


thats it. no toy here, been writting and active for like a decade.



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Originally posted by FightTheBuff

who writes in sharpie?



i didnt mean on the wall's genius, i ment i'll have on in my bag, i cant exactly draw stickers with a fuckin streaker or a mop can i?...well i suppose i could, but....no. use a little common sense guys.

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ok that goes in the streetsticker thread, and that shit looks like you didnt stick it well enough man, i can see the shadows from where the stickers are hanging off the box, i hope your placing them right, because when corners hang off, its easier and more temtping for people to rip it off.

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Originally posted by azert

Does anyone want to send their shit to Japan? E-mail me at dc_6979@hotmail.com. Don't worry I have a US mailing address just in case you're worried about shipping. And if anyone has any large sticker sheets they would like to trade let me know cause all I can get here are damn 4x2 mailing address stickers.


I sent u 2 packages cause u said the 1st got lost and i havn't recieved a single thing from u:o

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Originally posted by StarzAbove

I sent u 2 packages cause u said the 1st got lost and i havn't recieved a single thing from u:o



Hey hey hey I've never said anything about packages before! I've never given my address out to anyone on these forums. You must have me mixed up with Theo Huxable because he used to be in Japan. So yeah anyone still down to trade?


Yeah I have msn...

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