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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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for the non nightowls busting up in our shit



and now for my boys. Sorry I didn't check in last night I had a 5 hour phone conversation with my friedn Steph from philly...I convinced her to take the greyhound down here in the next few weeks. YAY!

This girl rocks. The last time I hung out with her she successfully executed the palm bomb on me. :love: A girl that will fart on me and look good doing it gets massive points in my book.


I think I found me a job to apply for 3rd shift lot attendent at a car lot...$11.75 an hour 30 hours a week. I will basically be a security guard, how funny is that?

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Guest willy.wonka

dude,you can bomb om=n the walls and not get caught.or see flying ghosts..


well, i have water dripping from my lightbulb up stairs...shoul i be worried?

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Re: dude,you can bomb om=n the walls and not get caught.or see flying ghosts..


Originally posted by willy.wonka

well, i have water dripping from my lightbulb up stairs...shoul i be worried?


yes..that might cause an electrical flyer...I would check out whats dripping or just turn off the light




and robocop as far as I am concerned you are allowed in here....but I am just speaking for myself

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willy your house has fucking problems man!

gas leaking out your walls and water on lightbulbs, youre gonna die.

hey zack that sounds like a damned easy job, and maybe you can run a prostitution ring in other peoples cars like on seinfeld. trust me it will work.

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Pretend to be Officer Chuck Thompson.


some dirty old gay man looking for a 13 year old boy. Be all surprised when she answers and ask for her little brother

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dirty old man works but heres some more...


-retard that got her number somehow, maybe from one of her friends that said she would hookup with him


-heavy breather sex talk guy


-gay guy


-desperate vampire, possibly looking for used tampons


-angry hick that claims that she has parked her car in his yard blocking his cars from parking in the grass


-arabic salesman, i dont know what he would sel but anything would be pure gold


i dunno

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

owls I need advice...a friend of mine has left her phone number in her away message...should I call and mess with her?


I was think about pretending to be a dirty old manbut if you all have other persona's for me to take over let me know


Im no owl...and all I may know how to do is party...drink and kill kittens....but I would most def call and mess with her...its always fun...and makes for good laughs...That dirty oldman routine is good...act like you you two got it on the other night, and ask her weird questions trying to remind her of it...haha

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