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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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i met her in palm springs almost a year ago

i didnt have a camera and i will regret it forever


if only i could spend a day hanging out with her my life would be complete. hell if i got to smoke a cigarette with her i could die a happy man. shit even if i could see her again only to light her smoke for her and snap a picture with her right quick i could die that instant with no regrets...'>

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Guest willy.wonka

i am in love with her now,she's hot...


well went to the club,some girl i see that tries to act all bitch with me got tolded off by a nightowl,"bitch you aint shit and i dont give a fuck,im not one of these other chumps in the club and i aint no slut askin workin for drinks!"

after tellin her that,she started rubbin her booty against me ding dong..

her and her friend...it was wierd,but she fucked up...thought she could come back smilin and shit...yup.it was wierd...got some hoes on my jock..fuckin wierd..


tell bitches off and they love you for4 it...


its 314 in the mornin and i have 2 hot ass chicks screamin in front of my house...do i go outside,oh hell no..i got better things to do,sorta like this..soon i will pass the fuck out...


fuckin wierd,thats all i could say..



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Oh shit.....when......those pics are ill....Drew is worth drooling over.....since my parents had a subscription to People magazine a long time ago,I might still have the 1989 issue with her on the cover talking about her drug addiction---she was like 16 or 17 then,I think,I don't know.If I can find it I'll send it to you...look up the e-mail addy.

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werd! anything drew related i must have

on a sad sidenote i heard she is with the drummer from

the strokes, i hate those polesmokers! but i have no worries that

she will see the light that is me


damn tonite was weird

went to some party that had over 300 heads all

jammed in the backyard, it got busted by the police

fuckin 12 squad cars and a ghetto bird

i got the fuck outta there with a quickness

the cops were blocking the exit but we ran right through them

got in my truck and jammed

so then we went to get some brews and took off for the hooka bar

by the time we get there coconut was plastered

he starts doing his michael jackson dance

and acting like a fool for money

which is always fun

lots of hot girls there tonite

i try to run some game and it only halfway works, damn


then we go to a friends house so coconut can smoke some mota

while there with about 7 other people my friends dog

decides to get horny

and starts fucking everyone it can

funny funny shit

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Guest willy.wonka


got drunk tonight,went alkin around taggin and shit...then we did these two tone throwies on my friends nieghbors house across the street..i felt kinda bad..

now im drunk my homie is going to florida tomorrow and i have to go to my nieces 1st birthday tomorrow...

gnight nightowls

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