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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

i know what your saying. its like, wasnt it just monday, of last week?

man my fucking firealarm is chirping and its 20 feet up, no way to reach that shit. all bad.


throw something at it and maybe you can knock it down....I wish I had high ceilings in here so I could build me a loft to sleep on. 7.5 foot ceilings do no permit that though.

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whats up nightowls?

haha tease wants to be part of this cult/crew/nonsense we have

get off the nuts man

ooo i cant wait till i get to texas

im gonna cum all over brandi's face

then ill go on a tease hunt :lol:


on a side note smoke alarms suck

i had one in my room but i took a bat to it when it went off

one night and wouldnt turn off

what the hell do i need

a smoke alarm for anywho?

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

I have a red slider water tortise named fred and a brazilian land tortise named booger rock.


for 8 years my bedroom smelled like turtle. it was no good. His name was asshole....I am just glad that now I found osmeone that can agree with me that turtles get noisy when you try and sleep and they decide to smack thier shells against he tank and hiss at the tv.

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Guest willy.wonka

yo GLASS....



im about to go out with my homegirls,but really,tell all the boys i miss them...

for real..i was thinkin about callin tyboe,but free calls with the celly just gave out..but im thinkin about callin those fools..iu wish i was still around..

i miss my homies,you know,i know stinky is doing ok,but i miss you guys...

shoots man im out..later..


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freds not that big and doesnt smell that bad...plus we got a python, this deal that you hook to your sink and can clean the tank remotley. hes a pretty, or should i say she, is a cool turtle small, like maybe the diamater of a baseball yet 5 years old..he splashs around alot when you feed him and suntans on his rock like a pimp.

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word...its my wifeys turtles...we dont advocate reproducing so we are very attatched to our pets..fred, booger rock and chi bonger live like, well pimp gangstahs...

word willy, ill tell fools you said whuddup.

take care the rest you NightOwl heads...


and tease...

really, your fucking stupid in the skull dunny...just go to a gay club and come out the closet allready, shit wigger, you make 30 references a day to being gay..be about you shit wigger.


and im out.

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