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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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There were quite a few losers that surely get none.

So all the pornstars would be all happy and talkative 'cause i'm young and went with my girlfriend. there were some older couples, but they were the springer type. skinny white dude with glasses, fat wife...


i don' tknow who this guy is ? i think some dude promoting his site.


i'm gonna crash now.


wonk slwothgin

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Guest willy.wonka

hi there..i think the only reason for me being up right now is cause my crackhead friend showed up at my doorstep...my family fed him and he's been asleep since 1230 yesterday morning...i wanna be up when he wakes up o that i "can make sure he dosnt steal anything"...


but even my little brother is up..which is strange...


my homie is skinny as fuck..i never seen him this bad before...pale faced and just gross to look at...fuckin sad...

but yeah...


im eatin on a home made taco with plenty guacamole..shits good...:yum:

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i have never had an avacado or avacado related products


I have also never had zuchini, asparagus, brussel sprouts, caviar, gay sex, creamed corn, or liver.


but I have eaten alligator and it was fucking good, kinda like chicken but a bit more tougher and I hear reptile meat is close to sea food as far as the health factors of it go.

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