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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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good deal, yeah i did the same awhile back, that period of time i went missing from 12oz but no one realized but arcel, yeah i didnt drink much during those times, but i just finished off two bottles yesterday, (the small ones) i think coming to 12oz drives me to alcohol....who inducts nightowls?

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lol, group decision thats great....ive only seen like 3 on at a time, seems like once one leaves a different shows up, but its cool just wonderin. yea alcohol does run rampent on here, especially this thread, you can tell by the lack of correct spelling in alot of the posts...like mine.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

if im not mistaken arent you always trashed? meh so am i. the unofficial night owl waistoid. lol. whats crakin ragsoe


see, no disrespect phntom guy, but thats what when is talking about. there is no unnofficial shit. your wonk slwothgin or you ain't .wheres pitol when you need him. hey when, you there? i otta ticket to l.a., if our in that area, i'm tere...

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interesting smoke i had...


went outside to have a smoke realised it was my last

i finish it and really have to take a shit

but i dont want to go back inside


so i walk into my neighbors yard

and take one right near his front wall deal

why? i do not know.


so i get in the ride and take off for 7-11 to get smokes

im laughing the whole way

i get out and im still laughing as im walking in the door

laughing as i buy my smokes

and just as i exit a cop pulls up

he gets out and asks me what im doing

'just buying smokes officer'

'why are you laughing?'

'no reason'

'empty your pockets'

'what the fuck?'

'empty your pockets'



i empty all the shit in my pockets onto his hood

and trust me my pockets are always loaded with stupid shit

i empty one hoody pocket and one front pocket

and hes had enough of my full pocket shit


'grab your stuff and get the fuck out of here'

'yes sir'


i get in the car, start laughing again and drive home


good times.

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