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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

Well, I'm fairly fucking wasted... drank a bunch of Heinekens at the beach then switched to $3-dollar 151-and-passion fruit drinks at the San Sebastian Street Feast in Old San Juan. Around 20,000 people today, tons of music (played by the crowd, not performers), cheap drinking, hot women, super pants. Good times indeed. Now I will pass the fuck out. Peaceface,



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Originally posted by El Mamerro

Well, I'm fairly fucking wasted... drank a bunch of Heinekens at the beach then switched to $3-dollar 151-and-passion fruit drinks at the San Sebastian Street Feast in Old San Juan. Around 20,000 people today, tons of music (played by the crowd, not performers), cheap drinking, hot women, super pants. Good times indeed. Now I will pass the fuck out. Peaceface,




thanks for reminding me that my life blows

really, thanks mams

hey do you wanna load the gun for me too?

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well hell..



i wated to geek out on here tonight, but i gotta sneak into a mansion and get some play, which is tight, so yeah....


somebody email a mothafucka, i've been traveling so much, i forgot what i was like to have friends beside the guys i'm on the roof with,.......


alure, e-mail me, i'd like to talk to you. at least let me know whats going on, i'm in the dark, whats going on......


i'd like to be there in february too..........

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haha well.. i just had a weird craving to eat deviled eggs..so now im making those.. and yesterday i couldnt stop eatting pepperchini peppers and jalepeno chips.. together.. mmm mmm good


yeah 4 more weeks. holly shit. on the 31st is my baby shower woohoo. kept its not gonna be all girly.. guys will be there also, and beer.


my 21st birthday is coming up also..on the 7th of feb.. i dont even get to drink. boo fucking hoo.


how are things with you??

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ah 21 and cant drink

that suckss :(

im just at work at the moment, next week is my last week here then i start my new job, woo!

so these last weeks will be very slack.. i was just viewing PMB's Europe vacation, i cant wait till ive finished my apprenticeship (new job which means im there for three years then i am fully qualified buiilder) than im off to go globe trottin. and ill be 21 when im finished so that means i can drink legally in the states.


Baby shower huh, hope ya skore some good presents!

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werd, thats tight congrats.. you cant wait to come to the u.s. huh i wonder if you'll like it, where else will you be visiting? you have to bring me back a kangaroo ;]


yeah ..hopefully! presents are always great. i've already gotten him some stuff, and the carseat and stroller but i'm waiting to see what i get at the baby shower..before i buy everything else.. i'm also really excited my mom is coming down..next month..yay i've missed her alot.



pistol where are you??


when.. where are you??

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Originally posted by Daze One Million

could be worse.....could be raining babys



Originally posted by When

then i could go outside and start karate kicking



hahahah that shit had me rollin'



good times good times..

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what up nightowls.

hah...im the alienated nightowl.


i seen you up on some steel Rags.


happy new years and shit.

im a year older and i must say 25 five was by far my most irressponsable year ever.


so peace, i hope you all prosper and flourish in the blessings of 2004....and shit.

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Originally posted by When

right here baby, where you at?



still holding the title of a true nightowl mr.whenster.. i cant hang that long nomore.. speaking of which..i'm getting sleepy with just the thought.. yay i love my bed.. but i do miss chatting with you.. and damn boy you hot. post me some flicks! muhahaha.



i'm out. zZZzzz

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Originally posted by alure

yay i love my bed.. and damn boy you hot. post me some flicks! muhahaha.


oh lordy

maybe i might

i am in a magazine this month by the way

mostly just shots of the back of my head though, haha


im sure well be chatting soon enough

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