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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest sneak

^^oh shit, that must have sucked badly. only time ive ever had to do that was before i had some major work due in and of course the comp crashed loosing it all/.

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Shit ummm I got a Tetnise booster shot at the doctors yesterday...I figure after climcing so many fences especially ones with rusty barb wireand tearing myself up i should get it just because....well now my fucking arm hurts so bad...he said itll be sore for like three days...but it hurts like a bitch...i dont get why...but oh well...bleh ramble ramble...

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well i got the bbs out of my ass cheek

i worked one out by pinching at it for a while

and the other i had a doctor remove


the doctor just shook his head in dissappointment when i told him how it happened

i laughed

also had to get a tetnus shot, that sucked

i hate needles

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Guest sneak

i fucking hate it when you try to explain to a doc about how such and such happened and they laugh,,.


makes you feel this big

:indicates small hight:

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Guest krie

yeah woo urmmm

wots going on ?

well my second job wants me to take my flesh tunnels out

but i dunno if i want too, well i know i dont want to

but i mite have to cuz i neeed $$$$

but mm welll seee

i spose!

im so tired



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Guest krie


things are ok

werk was tiring today

i had a good dinner tonite too

some nice chiken



bout to go cruisin with my mate who got a truck

its raining at the moment

so time to burn some spare tyers up

haha :D

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Guest sneak

it rains in australia?/

ive still got another 5hrs of college left today,

but its all good cos ive a big fat bag of skunk waiting for me at home.


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Originally posted by krie

i feel like drinkin


speaking of which...

i just found out that this bar near me has foxy boxing on thursday nights

so guess what im doing tomorrow night... thats right...

im getting hammered and am going to watch chicks beat the fuck out of each other


goodtimes will be had

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thursday night- i get to set my alarm for noon... so nice...


i worked on my bike today... i haven't worked on it in a while... so anyways i got somestuff done to it that i've been wanting to do for a while, however i had to put off the shaving i still have to do on it cuz i can't find my angle grinder... how one loses an angle grinder i'm really not sure, but mine's missing...


i'm so fucking bored right now... i think i'm gonna watch a movie...


but first, a funny story from the other night:

i'm at the donut shop up the street talking to this kid i see there sometimes... let's call him weenie kid who can't stand up for himself, or dork for short... i'm sitting there talking to dork, and another guy we know shows up, we'll call him thug...

thug and dork have known each other for a little while now, and hang out a little bit, but neither of them really know each other that well...

anyways, thug shows up, gives pounds, gets donuts and leaves... and dork says "i didn't realize that i hate that guy"...

i look at him funny, and he says "he's wearing my shoes"...


thug had jacked dork for his shoes almost a year ago and neither of them recognized each other when they met a few months ago... only seeing his old shoes reminded him...


i found this hilarious... dork didn't...


the end...


good times...

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Guest sneak

i watched the sun rise this morning...along with the birds tweeting made my day,


twas a shame i was puking up at the time.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

I can't fucking sleep. I've read like 200 pages and tossed like an idiot all night to no avail. Its probably gonna hit me like a ton of bricks at like 1 PM, which sucks, cause I have a total assload of work to do today.


But tonight is the Beaux Arts ball, which means I get to dress up in my ladybug suit and wreck shit. Good times.

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Guest sneak

^^mams, i was tossing and turning all night. got fome from college last night and starigh slept thru till 4 am when the sun came up and so did the contents of my stomach.


try having a bath / warm milk / shot of spirits etc

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

Nah, fuck it, im just gonna ride the wave and get started early. Maybe I can catch a few hours of sleep in the afternoon.

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Fuck. I don't stop by for a while cause you new nightowls are running our name to shit. Engaging with outsider fags in arguments or whatever and letting them symp Alure in our thread.

Then I see Mamerro stop's by and I missed it.


Oh well.

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