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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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sigh. im scured. i have a big day tommorow. and although im fucking wide awake..i must try to go to sleep. i hate court.. and that stupid bitch cop that arrested me will be there.. sigh. hopefully they wont rip me open a new asshole. and HOPEFULLY ill get that job at express..ill walk in there and strut my stuff. gnite.bleh. ack














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Originally posted by krie


thats a truck that a guys been workin on down the road from me When. tis orite. cood be lower with better rims on it. hes sellin it, wants 11grand for it. its a 91 model.


looks like an isuzu spacecab but you aussies probably have a different name for it

bit too much of an 80s look going on for my tastes but its cool

11000 is fucking rediculous though

id say 6 tops

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it has the name Holden Rodeo space cab over ere. is that 6 American Dollars ? or Aus ? cuz 6 USDollar wood be almost 11 grand in AUSdollar.


its not the best. i wouldnt pay 11 for it, id try give him 8-9 or so

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my old ranger was an x-cab... but it was always totally full of trash back there...

then i melted the engine... put in a rebuild and gave it to a friend... he traded it to another friend for a bit, then traded it back and promptly smoked the tranny...

now it's sitting in yet another friend's front yard, waiting to be turned into an art car i believe...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

the rebuild started goin down the shitter after only a few months too...



god i hated that truck...


well youve gotta drive it nice and slow for like 700 miles or so


rangers are crap though

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dude, i melted the engine a little north of LA, had the rebuild put in in santa barbara and drove it all the way home never breaking 55... that experience alone was enough to make me hate that truck... getting passed and hinked at by old couples in cadillacs is never fun...


when, deliss: see ya soon!

alure: good luck!

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yeah. im waiting for him to get of the shower.. and call me. um.. oh yeah. so i went to court today :heated: :hatred: i could have killed.. twice. i went for my 5 traffic citations.. they took my wreckless driving down.. to careless driving..and my suspended license..down to no license.but i still had.. no child restraint(which that is al ong story) and unsafe vehicle.. and they dropped my no insuarance cause i had it just no proof. BUT i had another fucking warrent. so the stupid bitch cop that arrested me wanted to arrest me again. i was like dood wtf have i been trying to sort through all this shit the whole time..and pay mucho bucks for a lawyer if i was trying to get arrested again. so my lawyer had to plea bargain..to drop those things down..the other cop at the scene didnt even care.. cause my friend was out side and heard them talking she said the female cop and trying to burn me..and the other cop was just like.. well she wasnt drinking..shes just kinda a ditz at driving (hah) so .. basically long story short i just gotta pay alotta fines..and another warrent fee.. and not get in trouble for 270 days..or my misdeamnor or i fucking go to jail. AND. why i was soooooooo mad. is we were all in the court room.. and the bitch cop smacking on her fucking gum and my laywer were talking..and she starts talking shit about me(*%@()&!() fucking bitch. she starts getting all sarcastic and making fun of me.. i was sitting next to so many people..but i swear at that point.. i forgot what i said..something like "tHAT FUCKING UNPROFESSIONAL BITCH I WANNA STAB HER" or some shit.. but i remember everyone turning to look at me and my friend tryin gto calm me down.. THEN WHEN I GO UP THERE...the GUY WHO REARENEDED ME WAS THERE ..im like dood wtf.. you shouldnt be helping them out..WE WERE RACING>..you were doing wrong too!@%*(!)!&* but like they blamed the whole accident on me...GRRRRR.. and i was fucking glaring at him.. too bad there were like 2 laywers and 2 cops inbetweeen us cause i wanted to beat the shit out him i was fuming..its like.. for example..a cheater ratting out another cheater in class.. motherfucker. if i ever see his fucking dodge steal im throwing a brick through it. so that was that.


THEN> i go to my fucking interview..and the manager wasnt there!! she had to go cover at structure which is male express..so im like wtf..so i go over there..and she says.. oh blahblah..it wasnt even an interview..but that she would call my references and then call me and let me know if i go to orientation..it was weird. her whole conversation was talking as if i was hired..but i wasnt. so yeah. bleh.


SO THEn. after that im not allowed to get in any trouble not even a ticket..and i get pulled over.. sitting in the passenger seat..cause i dont have my seat belt on.. YEAH GREAT RIGHt. i just tell the cop. PLEASE DONT GIVE ME A TICKET HERE IM BUCKLED UP ..and he just laughs and lets me go.fucking loser.


but im okay now.. no more stress for now. im chillin. and rags is back and that made my day..woop..where the hell is phone call. rawr.

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Guest sneak

damn my eyes hurt from reading that! haha

so what, did they take your license? i fucking hate it when its how certain people just make you want them dead. i tend to experience it a fair bit :(


tell rags he's been loooooong

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yeah i have a tendencie to ramble..i think its cause i type really fast. so it doesnt seem that im typing out that much..then i look at it and its WHOA. no they didnt take my license. i have alot errors in that last post..but you know what i dont care.



its just that..it seems. basically.. ALURE"S LIFE QUOTE IS "when it rains it pours" i decided that... i mean how many people go to court..and then.. right on the way home.. get pulled over by a cop FOR NOT HAVING A FUCKING SEAT BELT ON.. and then go to an interview..and THE LADY ISNT THERE.. so you have to walk across the mall.. weird shit man.. shit cant ever go smooth for me. its like BUMP BUMP BUMP. woo.


but tonight. im going to martini grill. im going to go around 8'ish around dinner time..so when the clubbing starts..ill already be in there..hah.. and then rags is going to another club across town.. but well probally met up on faded.and he's supposed to call me now so we can chill until then. bloops. but im getting off now.. so ya tonight when im drunk peace.

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alure I know exactly what it is your talking about with the "when it rains it pours" thing...either things go really good or really bad...very few shades of grey in there.....its 2AM for this owl and tomorrow and I have to be at work in 6 hours to open up.....yay....I get to work 8-2:30 then go back in and work 6-11:00

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