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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka


you know what this is...


this place wouldnt sell me beer cause i wasnt driving.and thats my friend in the door being turned down cause he had a piece of scotch tape on his hawaii D L



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nah I got a room mate....but he is one of my best friends and one of my favorite writing partners. tomorrow I have to clean up in here because half of his old room mates garbage is still in here and I am going ot try and keep this room clean so when I bring girls over I might get lucky...I figure it can't hurt

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a friend and i have moved into a house ourselve, its looking pretty good now, we got the whole entertainment center setup, a computer, but no internet yet, so i have to come hom eto get on here, and he got guitars and guns to play with, i dotn play with the guns but theyre there. a glock a 22 handgun and a ar15, pretty scary stuff but its protection, that im sure wel never need......

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