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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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ahoy mates!

i got out of a nasty fat ticket tonite

well my roommate and i were at the hooka

he got stoned as fuck and couldnt drive so his explorer was mine for the driving

i hate fords with a passion, but i decided to see what it could do

did a couple donuts and the like all the way home

well we are about 3 miles from home when a light turns red

burnout time! so i powerbrake the mofo for a good 30 seconds

the whole intersection is fucking white smoke and rubber

were laughing our asses off as the light turns green and we take off

then the red and blues start flashing, were fucked as far as im concerned

the cop pulls us over and walks up to my window, first thing he says is 'what the hell was that?' im trying to think of something clever to say to get myself out of the situation but my mind is blank. 'umm umm' i couldnt think or say shit. he tells us that the ticket for 'exibition of speed' is quite hefty, my head kinda drops seeing as how ive just recently cleared up my ticket problems. hes babbling on about all this shit when his little walkie talkie goes off about something. and he tells us that we can go home this time but if he catches either on of us even going 2 miles per hour over the speed limit or if he ever hears our tires chirp he will do everything in his power to make our lives a living hell.


shit was weird but it kinda made me feel like i could get away with anything

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on the way to school theres these houses on this hill kind of far away. they're pink with baby blue roofs and it looks like a cartoon . i guess they're filming a dr. seuss cat in the hat movie there. i want to take a picture with the houses . sorry.. that just came to my mind.

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Originally posted by dELiSs

on the way to school theres these houses on this hill kind of far away. they're pink with baby blue roofs and it looks like a cartoon .


theres a stripclub near me with that paintjob

maybe theyre filming dr. suess' green tits and roast beef there


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