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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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so i just nailed a long time friend... we've talked about fucking (mostly sarcastically... mostly) but never actually gone to it before tonight...




good times...


and fuck my phone... when was in town i guess, and my friend from texas was too... niether of them were able to call thru to me... but everyone local is able to call no problem... fucking hell...


but cheers anyways owls...

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wow wot a good weekend

got smashed on friday night with beers from everyone jsut shouting me for my birthday

woke up saturday morning to watch the AFL (aussie football) final and continued the drinkin. wasnt a too good of a game but yeah. woke up sunday with the night being a blur and stumbled outta bed on a mission to get this girl. so i showerd and made myself look half decent and went down the road to ask er out tonite, she was actually going down south for the week in the afternoon, so yeah shes gone for the week. but she comes back on thursday night and we gonna go out friday. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop dang. then i went home got my alcohol and went to a mates, ended up at the tittie bars which was kinda fun, and expensive too! home by 430 and awake by 7 :( monday was a day off work too, queens birthday or something. so we all get a holiday for it. it was pretty much a recovery day really

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what a weekend

ive pretty much been at work since saturday morning

got there at 9am saturday and we left at 5:30am sunday

we had to get our truck done for a big show that was at 9am sunday

it wasnt bad though, we drank much beer and got everything done we had to


the fng got fired, im happy about that

and we picked up a new guy that can shape metal like nobody ive ever seen before

amazing i tell you


i also broke my right pointer finger tonite

it got smashed between a gastank and a crossmember

y bone came out of the joint but i snapped it back in

which hurt very very much so

it worked though and i went to go get xrays

turns out the tip of my finger is fractured

so its not as bad as it could have been i guess

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