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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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blarg, im going to have quite a day ahead of me tomorrow


so i was going down to autozone to pickup a new air freshener

an oilpan gasket and a few quarts of oil so i buy them and leave

but when i get home i realise that i forgot the gasket, damnit.

so im on my way back down to autozone to get my gasket

and the charge battery light goes on in my car

what the fuck i just replaced the battery and alternator

so yea when i get down there i find that my alternator belt is gone

shit its old so it probably broke so i buy a new one.


also earlier today i tried to start my truck up for the first time in a long time

and when it started it, it was knocking like a motherfucker,

so im going to pull the motor tomorrow and send it off to my friend to be rebuilt.


so tomorrow i have to replace my oilpan gasket, replace my alternator belt

pull the engine out of my truck and who knows what else will come up.

but hey atleast my new air freshener smells good.

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that sucks when... and now here's a story for you...


i had an old ford ranger that was an ultimate piece of crap... i gave it to a friend for free when his truck exploded... he in turn gave it to another friend of mine... so me and that guy were driving up to a camp site about 3 hours away for our friend's birthday (i wrote about that night in here back then)

so we get almost there (although we weren't aware of that) up in these mountains in the middle of nowhere... surrounded by fog, and it was getting dark, and the truck dies... we pull it over and pop the hood, and discover that the alternator belt is totally thrashed and laying on the ground under the truck...

so my friend goes in to one of the near by camp sites to find some one we can jump off of, while i dig through the truck to find something to make a belt out of...

he comes back with some guy in a truck with jumper cables, right as i'm unbraiding a plastic rope... i take the part of the rope and me and the other guy take turns trying to tie it on with a firm knot that won't pull out, and try to make the whole thing tight enough that it won't pop off the pulleys...

we finally get it started, say thanks and go to try to find the camp site...


it was about 5 minutes away...


when we get there, however, the truck dies as we pull into the spot where we're parking... pop the hood again and i see that the rope has frayed and melted... we say fuck it and go get wasted and forget about the truck...

in the morning i steal a pair of nylons from one of the girls, and tie it on the pulleys, and we're in action and leave... after about half an hour of driving the truck dies again... the nylon's still on there, and every thing seems to be fine, but the truck just won't werk... so we hitched home, and he got his truck towed home the next day i think... but not until after it had been broken into and he had his skateboard and a bunch of tools stolen...


weak sauce it was...

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I haven't had the 455 for a minute now......I got to rock the 1978 Plymouth with the "slant-six".......dependable as hell though...so I don't have any complaints....I mean shit.....the original 8-track still works.

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fuck this...


i start classes again tomorrow... and i'm not gonna sleep at all tonight... it's fucking freezing... i had to dig through boxes to find my thermal underwear, and i'm wearing my filthy ass hoodie from work, just so i don't freeze to death in my sleep and hope that i can infact sleep a little so i'm not a zombie for the first days of class...



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today I was faced with one of the most fucked up things ever..I have to decide weather I to sign a DNR form on my dad...basically its a form that says that if he has a heart attack but can be put on life support would I want him to live as a vegetable...god the past 2 weeks have sucked..my dad has had a tiny heart attack almost everyday since christmas and he is getting worse. fuck the holidays...this is the only thing I got for christmas.

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i slept a little over and hour last night...

i fell asleep at around 5:15am i think, and got up just after 6:30... but i slept through most of this afternoon...

so that means i have absolutely no chance of falling asleep at any reasonable hour and i have class again tomorrow...

so this is now my plan for the night... in a little bit i'll head over to the donut shop my buddy works at... there i'll eat free donuts and drink free soda, and work on the next issue of my zine... at 3am a friend of mine has a radio show at the college, so i'll head over there... hang out there and drink some beer until 6, then i have 3 hours to kill before class...

hoo whee...



that sucks zack morris...

good luck...

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so the whole "night owl" thing intregues me, who are you guys?

are you a graff crew as well as an internet posse?

im a bit of a night owl myslelf , can i be down?

would i have to go through some painfull and humiliating ritual to join? if so who would administer this procedure all the way over in australia..

oh yeah whats the story with the "kitten slayers" too? are they some kind of night owl spin off crew..

inquiring minds want to know!!

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Pistol: no problem, but you should get it installed asap... I think alot of 12ozers that I talk to have it already. We are networking our files together it's really good. Oh well, join the party when you can. And I think Willy, Effyou, or you Pistol should explain to Mr. BigJoe the damn deal.


BigJoe: What do you have to bring to the NO?

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no not really...

im still confused as to the nature of this "internet" posse...do you guys paint together or what?, i would assume no becuase im gussing you are scattered across the globe , so what is the binding element? please dont say 12oz...there has to be a better story than that..:rolleyes:

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