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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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yea so ive been going to this truck/custom car website for the past year or so, ive been using them for picture hosting of my ride for a while, anyway... i discovered they had a bastard child 12oz type forum to talk shit and chat about custom stuff the other night...

it was fun, but now the webmaser has it out for me because i dont agree with him and i think hes a piece of shit. i dont like one of their sponsors and i voiced my opinion, he got mad. i called him a pussy or something because he was bitching about how his car isnt a 'rice rocket' its an 'import car', again he got mad.


now my goal is to get banned from the site

wish me luck

i give it two days


ps the top poster has something like 300 posts, haha

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