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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest deadmansrum.

aye, eleven hours of sleep is a beautiful thing, tho it is rarely sfforded by the captain of a ship. my sleep usually comes in shifts of six hours, or sometimes four. alas, i remember once, on a beautiful island, where i slept for thirteen, thanks to the help of a beautiful lady and a bottle of rum.

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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

viny, when, and pistol.... I got you guys all beat, for real.... last night, I went to bed at 11PM, didn't wake up until 5PM today. 18 hours, read 'em and weap.


i loved to sleep back in the day but now i prefer staying up all night

and sleeping 4 hours before my 10+ hours at work

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Guest deadmansrum.
Originally posted by WhenOne


ye be correct ye scurveyed seadog

well then, i would be honored to call ye me mate. me cannons have got ye back lad.

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Originally posted by deadmansrum.

well then, i would be honored to call ye me mate. me cannons have got ye back lad.


i accept ye treaty of friendship

alas we shall race ships sometime

or go out for a round of ye good ol rum


seriously i need to come up there

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Guest deadmansrum.

ahoy, captain when, it is good to have ye aboard. and mr. junkie tealls that as soon as he is in possesion of a car which gets miles to ye gallon, and not gallons to ye mile, he intends to drive down your way, perhaps in december, for a day or two, and he will let ye know if it is to happen.


alas, lads, we can see a mast on the horizon and must give chase. wish us luck and hope for a bountiful booty. goodnight, wols, and may ye dreams be of the sweetest sort.

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Originally posted by deadmansrum.

ahoy, captain when, it is good to have ye aboard. and mr. junkie tealls that as soon as he is in possesion of a car which gets miles to ye gallon, and not gallons to ye mile, he intends to drive down your way, perhaps in december, for a day or two, and he will let ye know if it is to happen.


aye aye.

tell mr. junkie that mr. when is glad to hear the news

tell mr. junkie that when mr. when gets his truck finished

a trip to see mr. junkie is unavoidable

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