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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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thats the only way to do it if im the one that has to go to the store and buy the shit i charge em full price and a coupla of bucks and then go to some cheap ass supermarket and with the left over dollars i get my booze and some grub for later on that night. teaches em to get it their damn selves

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^^^^^^I agree to the fullest.......but anyways,I'm fading quickly......my mind is now in "left field" without my catchers' mitt and I'm still going to try and catch some ZZZZZZZ's......later everyone,have a good 4th....

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junkie if you get this before you leave have fun on your adventures, drinks lots of shitty beer, eat bad food, and don't forget to write us.



on a different note, I am a pathetic drinker...I drank 2 double deuces of heiny last night and I was throwing up sweet and sour chicken. Granted those 2 deuces were gone within an hour of buying them I am still dissapointed to myself. Thank god that it wasn't that drunken vomiting where you lose all control of your body and can't even walk...I could walk it just made me want to vomit more.




I suck

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Guest willy.wonka

happy 4th


ima be in here for a few minutes..at my homegirls house.

happy 4th baby!tonight was poppin at the beach..we were throwin firecracker "jumping jacks" in the air and the flew all over the place..landing in big crowds..kinda funny,we knew we were being "unkie" though.."dicks" so many chicks were in the water.it was very fun.

the good stuff.only saw one fight tonight.

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well me and the roommates got drunk early today while grillin some burgers and dogs, then around 6pm we sobered up and 3 of us traveled down to the beach... newport was fucking going off

i got a few numbers and got with some chick, yipee for me

i probably have some godawful disease now but hey what the hell right

we met some guy that was selling bottle rockets so we bought some and set them off into the crowds of people on the beach... fun fun fun

then the rest of the night was spent acting like half drunken idiots

good day in all

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i really wanted to make it to the neighborhood. my friend bought 250 dollars worth of illegals. and our other friend sells them. i seen one tube where you drop the artillery in that was the size of a regulation size basketball. but at least i have all my limbs/

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thats the great part about other states. being able to buy firecrackers at gas stations, liquor stores, and other spots on the side of the road. Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc.

*year round


shit we can't even have sparklers in CA anymore.:mad:

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no sparklers? whatchu talking bout pistol?

i went to the fireworks stand today and they were selling sparklers

but i ended up just buying an assload of picolo petes for use in the next few months, they are the only legal firework i know of that can be turned into a big explosive easily

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oh and i got some kickass drinking glasses today at target for 50cents a piece, they are fucking awesome

theyre clear with blue stars all over them and they hold about 20 ozs

official drinking glasses from now on

i think i will also keep them in my room because the others will steal them

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at the top of this page it looks like gnes said fireworks weren't being sold. not sure if it's permanent or temp. cause of fires.


so long owls, i won't be hooting till tommarow.


oh shit gnes is here. i just noticed that but you beat me to it.

is it temp? i coulda sworn being able to buy all kinds a shit in AZ?

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as far as i remember i dont remember fire works ever bein legal in AZ maybe because rain is scarce and they dont want anymore of those crazy ass fires going on this have giving me some new thoughts what if terrorists went to every major forest in american and torched them like a motherfucker we'd be so fucked ..our supllier of oxygen, lumber, tourist places, and shit like that would fly out straight out the door

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Guest willy.wonka

i beat up some military guy tonight in a parking lot for talkin shit to me!it was great! i think i needed that!..ima make a post about it tomorrow.

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Guest uncle-boy
Originally posted by willy.wonka

i beat up some military guy tonight in a parking lot for talkin shit to me!it was great! i think i needed that!..ima make a post about it tomorrow.




what the hell happend?

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im back from my "homeless in boston" trip. shit was hectic, but i had an awesome time. now i owe my parents $1500 for blowing plane tickets and shit. but eh, i met good people and drank beer, and had sex. blah blah blah im back and now have a house to sleep in well till wednesday, thats when i decide where im gonna be homeless next. it might be your city.... ooooh

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Guest willy.wonka

hahahaha..i beat some asshole up last night..then i started askin out my homegirl..hahahhaha,what the hell happened?ima make a thread on it...im still feelin sick from last night.

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