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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

just tell them what thier problem is and tell them the only problem with myself is that im drunk...if i wasnt drunk i'd be an asshole, but you girls would still have your everyday problems..and you girls are ugly!


"thats it im outa here"


they'll all fall in love with you by morning.;)

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Guest willy.wonka

well my moms takin over...


like to say wussup to



mr ABC







who else is in NightOwls?:o





tt boy


anyother guys who venture in the nightowl super thread..

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Guest Pilau Hands

strike a poser


well shit. pilau needs a fucking vacation.


i haven't slept in three days. not by choice mind you, just loose odds and ends im tying up for a show.


i'm fucking hyper at 2:30 in the morning, and i need to stay up two hours for my flight, that's why i'm sitting in a makeshift nightowls chair.


tomorrow morning i will board a plane westward bound for bay area california. i've been to san francisco once, but i was a kid so i don't really remember all of it. i do remember though, that it was beautiful and i loved it. half moon bay, berekely, golden gate park...you don't know how excited i am. my girlfriend is from there, so i'll be staying with her kin for two weeks.




yes yes

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I need a vacation too. I want to get away for a few weeks from everyone around me. Being the only person who can somewhat think in a room full of drunks and dumb soroity girls will do this to you.



Some dumb girl was bitching about how when she was in elemtary school she was a little heavier when she was now. If she only knew the hell that was my high school life. Horrid acne, that awwkward stage where girl could easily fuck you over. I am still rocking my acne scars. I don't leave my hosue because of it. I am still waiting for the scars to receed. They are working thier way out but they are taking ythier sweet time. I don;'t want hear this bitch talk about how a year ago she was 5 pounds heavier. God I am realizing more and more that I am part of a supirior evolutionary level of the human genome.


These girls are trying to defend frat boys saying that theya re all great guys. These are guys that give each other high fives for fucking the most girls in one night and not even knowing thier names. Yet they are good guys because they where the right clothes and have the right lines.


These girls have said me and all my friends over here look like :the sad kids" Because we are all wearing dark colored t-shirt and dark colored jeans." oh no we are coming steal your soul you better watcht he fuck out. Stupid mother fuckers. Luckily andrew is smart enough to point out that these jock frat kids are the reasons why these "bad" kids are going crazy and shooting up mother fuckers at thier schools. If I spent everyday getting ym ass kicked by the quarterback from the football team I would go crazy....God I am so fucking angry at the moment. I want to make someones large intestine into a new belt. ia m sure my american by birth souther by the grace of god buckle will look great on that shit. Stupid fucking cut bitches.

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im glad that i was the " quaterback" in school , and didnt have to deal with all the shit that un popular kids do . but i had the acne too , and i still do , pain in the ass . and my gf semi cheated on me , so i dumped her , bc even partly is too much for me . and im always mad at the world , mad at my damn gov't bc everything is more expensive and every service is less extensive . i hate alot of things , and with i was some sort of super human that could go around destroying the facists .


you remeber what you used for ur acne , i could use some advice .

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in highschool I was never fucked with. i mostly kept to myself and thaught of as that smartass artfag.


Middle school is a differnt story I beat up almost everyday because I was a nerdy little white boy that tried too hard to fit in. I got beat up daily so I totaly see where these kids tha go crazy come from. I am sure that it plays a part in the reason why i ahte people, poke holes in my skin and anytime I have more that $100 I want to get another tatoo. Its because I have seen how horrible people can be I hate people. I have decided not to talk to them. The human race is on a downward spiral to the bottom t o be the most self centered evil pieces of shit.


I am in a really bitchy mood and want to hit some dumb bitch in her face right now. I have my brass knuckles out in the car....dumb cunt.

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i never got beat up , but i dont get into fights either . and its different , school years in america is totally different than school years in canada .

sounds like you got alot of bottled up rage in there , maybe a shrink would be of some help .....?

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Int for a walk and did over 20 handstyles in under 15 minutes. I am still angry but not as bad.


Ont he acutane tip when I talked to my dermotologist she said never in her 20 years of prescribing this drug has she ever had negetive side effects of depression and the others described. She said the main part that brought that out was some senators son commited suicide and his father was looing for somethign to blame it on other than the fact his son had problems that needed to be addressed.


And yes I do have large amounts of bottles aggression but I don't see the point in paying $150 an hour just to talk about my problems when i can do that with my friends for free. I just feel that at the moment I shouldn't have gotten drunk tonight because there is just too much going on in my life at the moment and due to the fact that I am nirmally an emotional person alcohol magnifies that 10 fold. If I am in a good mood when i get drunk it puts me in a great mood and I am everyones friend. If I am in a not so great mood and I get drunk I become the evil people hating Zack Morris.

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When was I jumped in,you ask?.........since this shit started-actually before that.......I had no computer access for like 5 months.

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

well my moms takin over...


like to say wussup to



mr ABC







who else is in NightOwls?:o





tt boy


anyother guys who venture in the nightowl super thread..

hmm hmm hmm... excuse me?

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