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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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fantom was out last night. these here pictures i took last night. will explain.







*edit: that picture was taken at 3 in the morning, on a bridge for the ol trains. its about 60 ft off the ground and the length a football field. it wasnt even foggy, and the bottom of the flik is clear, maybe i caught o ghost. i saw a special on this once.

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only one. i chased a skunk from one end to the other, in the pitch black night, all i could see was a large feather looking thind moving on the tracks next to us. i took out my lighter, and he just stopped, deer caught in the headlight type look. then he ran, and i pursued. until he got to the end of the bridge and dissapeared into the desert.

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