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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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i'm drunk and bored so i think i'm gonna expand on this for a minute...


i recently moved to oakland from san francisco...

i lived in oakland about 4 years ago and i fuckin hated it here... the main thing that bummed me out was that this whole fucking side of the bay seems to shut down around 10 or 11 at night... this is still, apparently, the case...

i have 2 liquor stores near me (not nearly as close as it was in SF, but werd...) and they both close around 11pm... if it's after 11 and i wanna get a beer i have to go to the fucking gas station...

i ended up doing this tonight, and the only 40s they have is fucking MGD...

the closest bar is a 15 minute bike ride away...

food is an entirely different story- after say 9 or so, my only option (i don't drive) is the fucking gas station...

i have never been to a party out here that had more than 20 people there...


in sf...

every weekend there was a party with 100+ people there...

i could get beer (either at the bar, or at the liquor store- both 3 or 4 door away) till 2am...

i could get smokes any time of day...

i could get any kind of cooked food till about midnight...

i could get burritos till 2am...

and there were people i could always count on to be up late at night when i was bored...




after having someone bail on me tonight, i gave up and made to ride to go to the bar...

turns out wednesday nights they have $1 cans of pabst...

and there's girls there...

so not so bad...


still not SF though...

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sounds rough.


im losing sleep dammit.


havent had a decent sleep session in about a week. today, i got home from work, and fell asleep, only to be woken up an hour later, apparently, the fucking cats had there babies on the roof again, so theres all kinds of little kids running around yelling because "OMG!NO! THE KITTIES ARE JUMPING" so i spent the next two hours, climbing onto the roof, and jumping off with kittens. i hate my goddamn apartment complex. fuck all this. i went out later that night, and all the cats were under my friends car, make'n all kinds of noise, like they're hungry. we just started the car and left. im alergic as fuck too cats, so now my eyes are puffing up, and im sneezing. fuck cats. fuck those kids for waking me up, and fuck those pink dots you sent me fatbastard, because the fucker blew out on me tonight.


anyways, i leave you with a picture of this fucker. i hope i ran his ass over, i didnt see or hear them upon returning.



work in two hours. kill me now.

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Originally posted by fatbastard

If you put those things on cheap shit paint it serves you right. did i not specify KRYLON? :lol: anyways niggs, let me know if you fucked them all up and need more.


yeah, i listen fool. i wouldnt be in here complaining it it was cheap paint, instead i have rich plum or some shit all over my fucking hands. hahahaha, i sat down at 6:30 yesterday, after finally getting off the computer, i had work in 20 minutes. i just woke up, its now noon. my boss is going to be so fuckin pissed, its great.


*edit*god fuck i suck at spelling this morning.


oh yeah, and be expecting your mail real soon fatbastard. peace.

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