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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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mmm vicoden.. of course i dont do that anymore tho;]



damn i want a bike.. i would love to learn how to do tricks on it..although i'd probally lose my face from sliding it on the concrete trying to learn how to pop a front wheelie haha..um.no..



so my parents went and looked at another car..because they said the payments were to high..since me and machai moved in..had a 6 series 2004 beemer.. so they get a fucking audi..which is just as expensive... fucking weirdos..yeah thats gonna save you alot of money..



i started school yay! I havent gone to my computer class yet but i'm excited.. i hope i like it. c+ programming anyone taken it?? When i get all the core classes done and can start doing my computer classes and art classes..i'll be stoked..



its been.. 2 weeks since i've had a ciggerate..i thought it had been longer but my friend informed me it hadnt been that long.. ahha

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awsome, looks like things are going well for you. an audi? bastards. i never understood what people need with expensive cars, they work the same as regular cars. show offs. anywho. you dont want a bike, you want a skateboard. haha. i actually need to stop being so lazy and start riding mine more often. damn heat is killer tho. congrats on the non-cigg's. i wish i could do the same. i need to stop really, but i dont want to. haha. so it works out, ill quit soon enough...maybe.

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Originally posted by EarMuffs

my arm is killing from the tattoo i got lastnight


Im feeling ya, i got half my outline done last night , tis quite sore. ill post some photos once my bro gets up outta bed

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Re: the almighty alien night owl steps into the realm of his creation to say


Originally posted by willy.wonka

hello ALURE!

wonka;] aw.. haha what up??


i think i'm so desperate i'm gonna drink some beers by myself..someone wanna drink with me??


fantom..yeah they are crying about it right now "we want our beemer back" i'm like.. uh..i thought you were trying to save money..like at least 200 dollars less?? he tells me "yeah..i was..but once your drive a luxery car..you dont ever want to get less than that"



cloner.. eh it aint that bad.. i've just been snacking alot every time i get a craving for a cigg.. so i might gain a few pounds..but that wont hurt me..haha

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Re: Re: the almighty alien night owl steps into the realm of his creation to say


Originally posted by alure

i might gain a few pounds..but that wont hurt me..haha







vinyl junkie, acetamentophen and alcohol must not be taken at the same time, the combination is toxic to your liver.

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haha....I'm tired as fuck....work got fuckin' slammed today and we were hella busy...I didn't get out tonight until 1 am....had a beers and now I'm drinkin' on some vodka and cran chillin' at the rest....I partied last night with that dude Steve-O and Wee Man from Wildboys/Jackass or whatever---that was fun....girls,girls, and more girls....well,fuck it.....I'm going to have a square and check this in a minute....peace outro for a few....kudos.

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i am drunk enough that i just gave half a 40 to a frined and told him i wasn't allowed to have any more...

long night...

after hours bars are goood shit...

my bach hurts...

sluts friends at the bars are good times...

so on the verge of pukling...

apparently i told a cuple friends that i'm cooking dinner for them in a couple nights...


way too much booze...

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hahaha...yeah, I am going to be entering 12oz Nerdom in a little while----and it's going to be ONE BIG FUCKIN' PARTAY!!!...sike!


455000<---------------coming soon to a thread near you.

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uh..4 more pages of reading b.s. i'm tempted not to read it..but then that would be starting my semester off bad haha...;/



i have to wake up early..waking up early is my fucking enemy..



but i hope i meet people in school;] since i'm a loser that can never go out... and i just work with a bunch of old fat women!

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awsome, glad to hear he's still around.

alure, i hear you on waking up early, it used to be my enemy too, but since i do it every morning, ive gotten used to it. my sleep scheduale is so fucked up right now. i have work tommorow, and i havent slept in two days. i should be in bed. dammit all too hell.

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