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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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turbo..now now... play nice;]



fantom..i just remembered my pictures! haha do i have to send you stamps?? i will!! hehe.. how ya doing??



actually nevermind..i'll just get the negatives if i can find them..keep them..haha

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i swear..all you guys care about is how machai is doing..never ask how i'm doing..always How is your son..how is the lil man..etc..haha... just kidding...


nah..i'm loving it.. he is sooo fucking fun to be around right now. so adorable. he grabs for things and cracks up and rolls over..and when you talk to him excited he coos and caas..back as if trying to conversate back.. and when he gets excited he kicks his lil legs up and down so fast and smacks his hands on his stomach. its so funny. i'm in love;]


i cant wait to go see him when i get off work..

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We still havent got our telephone/televsion ports installed in our house yet. There is one phone line and its in the worst place ever. So i sit cramped in by the couch and a television unit.


I had a job interview today at a air-conditioning and refirdgeration company. Itll be working on sites installing, mainly commercial work ( High Rise / Apartments / etc ) I hope I get it.


Whats been happening alure fantom muffs ?


When still lurking around ?

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Havent seen when in a long ass time on here/


as for me not much man, im still waiting on this managment job, im gonna call the girl tomorrow. Gots to clean out my room and get rid of this carpet from the flood, other than that just tryin to get a working visa for the US and tryin to make it out east. I did some stupid shit with my bank and what i though twas kool may now not be.. Pray I dont go to jail or get charges!

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damn.. i'm dreading this week..a whole fucking 9 days of work straight.i'm gonna die.. but you do what you gotta do..


and i want new shoes. and i need a winter wardrobe..cause tadaaa.i have no winter clothes..wtf i'm i gonna do... haha so maybe i should be getting a jacket instead of new shoes..poopy..


and my room is fucking small..i hate it i fucking leave my bed unmade and my room looks like a disaster..


i'm starting school in a couple of weeks..i'm scrured..working full time and going to school part time.. god.. you know what machai better not ever fucking tell me shit or smart mouth me and be an unappreciative little dick..because i wouldnt be busting my ass if it wasnt for him..and oh boy..he'd have one pissed of momma..haha



/end rant.



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