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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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i know..im ready for him to come out already! its been so long ... i'm tired of being uncomfortable all the time..and the long list of bullshit that comes along with pregnancy..but i want to wait until my mom makes it down here..but fuck.. your cramping my space kiddo.. heh..


how are you? i'm really tired..

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Originally posted by alure

i dont see how you cant know. and honestly we both know that you know what you did, i just found out a few things.


i'll write you in private, not something i want the internet to know. i've still never lied to you.......



anyways, happy birthday, and i hope you made the most of it...


hey vinyl, where you at? if i see you here, your gay. it's your birthday......


night owls, where you at.....

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Im sure hed have a skate board ?

My dog is a lil scab when it comes to food

I had a half chewed steak in my mouth, which i dropped from my mouth straight into his :lol:

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