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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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well,fuck it.....I'm wasted....and I'm talkin' shit(about teenage morons who think they know it all...ya'll need to study...ya heard?...hahahaha)......go back to the books and jock your favorite actors...so you can be "screen crook"....

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Originally posted by 455

well,fuck it.....I'm wasted....and I'm talkin' shit(about teenage morons who think they know it all...ya'll need to study...ya heard?...hahahaha)......go back to the books and jock your favorite actors...so you can be "screen crook"....


whats this about...fuck imma holler at you this week in between my crunch time for school time.

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Main Entry: ef·fi·gy

Pronunciation: 'e-f&-jE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -gies

Etymology: Middle French effigie, from Latin effigies, from effingere to form, from ex- + fingere to shape —more at DOUGH

Date: 1539

: an image or representation especially of a person; especially : a crude figure representing a hated person

- in effigy : publicly in the form of an effigy <the football coach was burned in effigy>

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Originally posted by IntangibleFame

what a fucking awesome day...



haahahahha...Im had a blast too......oh yeah,me and you know....are fucked up right now.....call me tomarra.......when you get done with school.....

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Originally posted by old*824

today sucked then i took sleeping pills and they havent worked yet.


last night sucked....because I drank too much,smoked a bit of "forestry" and sniffed some "whiffle bats".....yes,Nightowl ladies and gentlemen....I am a fuckin' dirtbag.....thank you,thank you.....:golf clap:...

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yay i got my isuzu trooper fixed i missed it so much!! woohoo. i still have to replace the windsheild before the baby comes, from some fag punching it but its all good. i also have no stereo in it anymore, i miss my deck but i at least owe that too my dad. its super clean and all nice again.


did i tell you today that i still hate people? geez, all this hate i wonder if my kid is gonna come out hating the world. i cant help it though. the majority of people fucking suck. like all of my baby's fathers friends who say they are going to be there for me and my son. yeah fucking right. i dont believe that for a second. why even bother saying it. i've realized that my family are the only ones that are truly there for me, and a few friends that i can count on one hand. "trust is a luxury i cant afford"..


my girl steph and talia are throwing me a baby shower woohoo.. and my mom is coming down from germany to be here when the baby is born and help me for awhile afterwards. im stoked.


anyway. i'm doing great. my baby is healthy. ;]

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Guest ctrl+alt+del

word up alure, good to hear from you. havnt talked to you in a while.

do you have a library card? if no, go get one and start checking out some books to read to junior. those formative years are CRUCIAL. try not to show your anger and hate for the world when your around your kid, babies pick up on a lot, emotions especially. its good your ma will be around to help out. i hope your getting as much sleep as you can these days. remember, stay away from microwaves.




fuuuuck. ive been working too much. 44 hours in 2 weeks, plus 60 hours of school. ive learned 2 things from working at my job.

1. never get old

2. find a job you love


the ups of my job are dope. but bad nights make me pissy, and i get angry at the wrong people.


also. fuck everyone i go to school with. and fuck the kid trying to be nice to me just so he can hook up with this girl im close too.

im tired of looking for shit happening, i need to start making shit happen.

starting this week.


but on the ups. this dope broad is starting to come up to me whenever she sees me and gives me hugs. i dont know if that means anything, but im down for more hugs.



shit, 12oz sure isnt what it was once.

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