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Everything posted by IdleHandz

  1. Laxin' moved into a 2 bedroom house from a 4 bedroom with no help lifting anything. that's what happens when your moms side of the family are all into collecting furniture. I got 4 dressers and only 3 pairs of pants hahaha. thankful for all the hours I spent watching HGTV shows with my mother though, I got a good decorative eye. some whack idle toy hands tho.
  2. @Wyeast @nicklesndimes A close friend of mine actually went. He had a blast though, was there for 2 weeks. Brought me back some yen to doodle on and some candies. He just sent me flicks. Was really cool of him to take time out from his fun for a friend. But yeah here all good things to say about Japan, so I’m gonna be heading there one day I really wanna go to Ireland too. Think I have like 2 years left til I can get a passport. Closing on a house Monday though so I been busy as heck, haven’t been on here much. Once that bitch paid off I’m gunna lease it and just go do my thing. Haven’t had a vacation in 10 years. Not gunna go another 10 without one. By that time I’ll have a teenager that hates me anyways 🤣
  3. IdleHandz


    3 months now. Still have a few NA’s it’s getting to be grass mowing season. funny I mentions canna infused stuff my last reply. My aunt has some stuff that looks like grey goose. 2 shots of that and it had me avoiding eye contact with my girl hahaha. I rarely smoke but I do enjoy an edible. Doesn’t help anxiety, just my back pain from carrying these huge ass balls around.
  4. ive been grabbing these too when I can. I just got a set of power rangers that are like 2” tall. Not sure why the yellow ranger isn’t included at all, on the back where it shows “collect em all” doesn’t even show the yellow ranger 😵‍💫 of course had to open them for my kid. all my spidey stuff stays in box tho.
  5. Osaka cm-chat-media-video-1:51547cfe-dc2d-589a-957f-31df44fdfe6e:9983:0:0.mov cm-chat-media-video-1:51547cfe-dc2d-589a-957f-31df44fdfe6e:9984:0:0.mov
  6. Had some venison spaghetti. Didn’t last long enough for a picture 😜
  7. have you seen those ceilings going backs where you make pretty much a female part of a drawer, to slide the lids of jars on the ceilings of spaces? Like a wine glass hanging rack kinda? Idk how much space you have but worth looking into.
  8. Ikebukuro RPReplay_Final1712405514.mov
  9. Ikebukuro , Tokyo bumpidy bump bumpppp
  10. At the door knocking let me in i had to do cpr on a friend back and forth with the reaper screaming let me win.
  11. What’s she doing? I never know what she’s doing in there.
  12. @Schnitzel in my 30s now. Definitely cannot pull it off. I just thought it was nostalgic from my childhood. Definitely had some DC skate shoes as bright as this jacket back in the day though.
  13. Back to 2013 and noodle legs from dancing all night.
  14. Went back and they had a winter coat too. Wish I seen that one first.
  15. Finished season 2 of Halo lastnight. Jumping on my Time Machine to fast forward to when they drop season 3. Bringing the kid and dog w me on account of I don’t wanna miss out on any time w them too. Lolol
  16. Idek what this mf is saying but it goes hard af. ima check those out on the ride home tho!!!
  17. IdleHandz


    Sounds like you have a good woman behind you. Wonder when they will add canna-infused. sitting in an AA meeting right now talking about the 12th step. had the opportunity to shed some light on fellow alcys and addicts the past 2 days wrapping up some time in the county. Couldn’t wait to hit a meeting today. Hit a Waffle House just before this then trusted a fart; all good under the hood so I’m going to start trusting myself more.
  18. IdleHandz


    Some great points there, thank you for your perspective. I’m finding myself giving positive feedback to me more than ever now. Seems like if that’s what I crave it has to start with me anyways. I sympathize with the NA beers. I had my last one last weekend, I’m done with them specifically for the reason you are; it’s like a tease to it. The small amount of alcohol in it definitely feeds that dragon forsure. Kinda like lying to myself with it. I’m not smoking bud either now gunna do a full 90 days and see where I’m at then. April 10th I’m 3 months sober from alc. feeling good. @fat ralphysaddened to hear about your alls boy, may he rest in piece. Will be praying for everyone who’s heart he touch that is shriveled by the loss of the legend. stay up fellas.
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