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Everything posted by Ray40

  1. Thanks @LUGRand @Dirty_habiT you guys are right. I need to get my act together and handle this like a man. I meant scribe tag I think, that’s when you carve with a rock into glass right? Thanks again
  2. but you never know, maybe my parents will, they warmed up to my plywood wall. before they really didn't like it, and my mom said I might even be able to do sticker, a little steel tip tag or etch isn't that much more, right?
  3. Y’all already know the ritz Carlton story so please don’t clown me about that
  4. Reminds me of the throw is stickers that mikes morales does in Spider-Man into spider verse. That movie inspired me to do graff
  5. I wake up passed because of my brother, who talks loudly, farts, and yells at me in the morning when I am trying to relax or sketch (still sketching anyways, I’m a rebel😎).
  6. Nope, I usually wake up pissed in the morning so my mom was just sick of it and took everything I actually like away again. I am soooooooooooooo bored. At least I have LEGO’s though. I am still going to use 12 oz because my mom makes me do meditation on my phone and while doing that I will browse
  7. I won’t be on 12 oz for a while cause my parents banned me again from drawing, painting and screens, just wanted to let you know. See ya in a while 😢
  8. I have been able to skate across my street and work on my ollie, frontside pivots, power slides, and trying to get a frontside 180 and kick flip, as far as parks, I haven't been able to go to any.
  9. I saw this thread way in the back pages of the third rail ( I guess?), and I thought bringing it back into the light for some of us younger artists to learn more and older writers to share on would be nice, I know their is already a supplies thread I made but I thought that bringing this back would be cool
  10. I did the fill but didi the stars and dots afterwards, thanks for the advice @JokerI will use it all
  11. buuuuuut, I painted anyways. critics would be appreciated
  12. thanks @One Man Banned, I was feeling really shitty today because my siblings were being assholes to me and my mom on a hike and when we got back she took aeay my board for washing the dog wrong, even though it was my sibling s fault
  13. Some paintings from yesterday, it actually didn’t rain so I got to practice which was nice
  14. a painting from today while the weather is nice, 80 % chance of rain tomorrow
  15. @misteraven, we should host a 12 oz prophet event at the graffiti museum in wynwood Miami for like an anniversary or something. We could all meet each other and really bring out the pride if 12 oz. just an idea 💡
  16. Buffed my wall and did another throw and character .
  17. Thanks so much @mr.yucki will do that
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