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Everything posted by 6Pennies

  1. Anybody make it to this show? What did you think? The 2011 show Art in the Streets was pretty epic! While there were some masters to check out, it, like most LA shows I go to, really feel like "selfie sets."
  2. Brown Momento Mori shirt FTW finalVideo.MP4
  3. Looks great! Glad to see your vision is back up and running!
  4. 6Pennies


    Oh God! It takes me back.... Only a quick once listened, but so good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VW4RFPA2PQ
  5. Suicide? at 61? Man.... He had the life.
  6. It was my youngest's (7 yrs-old) first and only time so far. 3 days after this they shut down BLM land for the fire restriction season. She's too young to go to my local range, Scottsdale Gun Club. so It may be awhile before we go again. She digged it, knows the gun safety rules and trigger discipline. Guns are not a scary thing anymore, go figure. Taught my oldest to shoot when she was 7 as well (11 now). I take my oldest several times a year. Although it has been few and far between as of late. My oldest digs the AR-22 over pistols, go figure :)
  7. First shoot for my youngest. Shoot First for the glory!
  8. not to mention all of the uber-vegan and super-conspiracy shit too....
  9. yep, and the left throw out the charge of "racism" to silence their opponents....
  10. Tons of stuff out there discussing the loss of civil discourse and civil debate. I
  11. so very scary.... Idiocy is marketable and replicable; intelligence not so much....
  12. I'm going to go out on a limb here, from a higher education perspective, this current generation does not know how to read critically nor write effectively and they do not care to either.....
  13. On that note: it is illegal to photograph the Eiffel Tower at night: https://petapixel.com/2017/10/14/photos-eiffel-tower-night-illegal/
  14. What's in your bag? Running a Fuji XT2 with the kit lens (18-55mm) and a 10-24mm WA. Mostly doing landscapes and snap shots or our adventures. Saving coin for the XF 56mm f/1.2 for portraits and nudes. Absolutely love the size and weight of a mirrorless, as well as the ease of operation with the old school dials. No exp with Canon, Nikon, or Sony but nothing is compelling me to look outside of Fuji.
  15. Absolute 12oz noob here. In fact, I was invited by MrRaven to contribute my 2 cents (or 6Pennies) to some topics both he and I have common interests in. Full disclaimer: I too have nostalgia for the online forums of old, but I spent the late 90s gaining clout in hip-hop, rave, b-boying and DJ forums. Never with 12oz though. I think we can all agree that in general we are in the midst of huge cultural shifts and changes, and as with any change we know there is something gained and something lost. What we choose to focus on (gain or loss) usually is decided by our length of time with the culture (i.e. generational perspective). Something was immediately gained with the initiation of and then current pervasiveness of social media. But, it's fucking exhausting and shallow for the most part at this point in time. We are looking for more meaningful, deeper engagement. Thing is Social Media will probably have to be the door by which like-minded people will have to seek out and find spaces like this forum. Plain and simple there's too much noise and competition that everyone has to sift through in order to get here to these more significant places. Instagram more so than FB is a great recruitment tool and connecting point, but not the place for meaningful engagement. Why quit Social Media altogether and lose the access you have to potential new members, new ideas/knowledge, and starting points/connections? Is the noise really too much to deal with? There's apps for that.... Case in point: MrRaven and I know each other solely from Instagram. I believe he reached out first, but after some IG DM conversation (albeit somewhat disjointed because of the platform quirks), we realized we have a similar world views and interests, and now we somewhat consistently riff ideas off each other. Would have never really known this site had other aspects besides The Shop had it not been for this Social Media connection. IG is like browsing the displays at the bookstore before you decide to go to the library to check it out. But, now I just have to work my way past all the Pulp Fiction, Supermarket Romance Novels, and Lifestyle Magazines before I can get to my section of interest. What really gets me though is that Image over Substance is prevailing in Social Media, but that is not a new problem.
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