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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. changing the diet part of my life was pretty hard i'm trying to go pescatarian and leaning more towards a vegetarian diet and i'm sorry for your friend, bro...yea, 2019 was an RSOB (rough son of a bitch) and the fact that @misteravenwill be joining our cult is fucking rad
  2. Keanu Reeves is in his mid 50's doing sambo and jiu jitsu
  3. I'll try to load videos that i think will be inspirational to anyone wanting to elevate their bjj art
  4. watching the whole video right now
  5. Mile High Gracie Jiu-Jitsu get lessons from the source...i would kill to be taught under a gracie
  6. I got the we defy foundation gi to support their organization they give free lessons to all veterans
  7. that's great! the focus on no-gi and no-holds barred approach reminds me of the bjj gym in cali called "10th planet" They focus on combat technique as opposed to comp, even tho 10th planet has some of the best competitors out there I, myself, have to unlearn giving up my back so easily in side guard position. And good luck in Denver! there are some really good bjj gyms in Colorado
  8. I will be taking more photos of my classes as i have gotten over my embarrassing first year at bjj @fat ralphyare you still at it? I've been off the forum for a while @MercerHow's everything on your side, broski?
  9. I'd say you're a A2 Long or just a regular A3 I would HIGHLY recommend subscribing to one of my favorite bloggers JACK SLACK https://www.patreon.com/JackSlack/ He is a combat writer who breaks down fights and techniques and one of my favorite photographers works for undefeated https://www.instagram.com/bogblast/?hl=en
  10. @misteravenif you need a gi, I can post some links to the ones i recently got here's a chart for gi sizes https://www.wedefyfoundation.org/store-1/duelforces-undefeated-gi-hzjp3 http://www.nousdefionsusa.com/mementomorikimono.aspx
  11. I love the entire lifestyle and culture surrounding BJJ and the people who participate in it. It's all very similar to skateboarding to me, which is very close to my heart. So, the transition to BJJ wasn't too much of a leap as the mindset that i had has always been there. It's also a skill that i believe everyone on the planet should have, which is, not just self-defense, but the ability to be fully aware and in full control of your whole body. With that said, I believe that a change in thinking is the first thing that every beginner will need to go through. You need to be process oriented as opposed to goal oriented, meaning, you shouldn't have a stopping point in the future that you would want to land on. Progress should be on-going and perpetual in BJJ. There's always new techniques to learn in BJJ, enough so, that you would have an endless amount to learn from the sport. And the community is so tight knit. It's always so positive. BJJ is not something you do on your own, and even if you did, you wouldn't get too far on your own. As far as the style, BJJ in and of itself just looks fucking awesome. There are brands that are so attached to the sport, that when people talk about gi's or streetwear, these brands are brought up immediately. And the photographs that BJJ bring about, damn, son. It looks fucking rad. So dynamic. I'll post some examples and brands below. @shoyoroll @albinoandpreto @jiujitero @brand93 @undefeated_uactp @wedefyfoundation @nousdefions @dualforces @magikimono
  12. glorydays


    My troubles with alcohol is on a steady decline i stopped drinking hard liquor over a year ago and im "socially" drinking beer every now and then my focus is now on diet, mainly becuz im getting older at 33. I'm leaning more towards a plant based diet, mostly out of utility. and beer will always be there but its knowing when to stop
  13. I am dying for a new era collab
  14. Ive been reading a lot of albert Camus, jean Baudrillard, and Jacques Derrida These philosophers are nihilistic leaning in thinking, BUT, they encourage an inner cultivation of strength and resilience that nihilists tend to overlook when embracing the school of thought. Nihilism and stoicism can be held hand in hand and do not have to veer into any kind of pessimism or existential crisis.
  15. yo that shit got me rolling,son im crying these tears are real she couldn't sell shit
  16. The internet, Ross One said, is “the beginning and end of any conversation about things that used to be sacred that are now not. There’s no more underground culture. It’s really hard today for a kid to have something that’s all their own.” There are no truer words said. I know that "gate keeping" is a try hard sweaty neckbeard move, but the internet has ruined any semblance of etiquette that the community had during the early years of street wear collecting.
  17. @misteravenhttps://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/21/style/streetwear-hypebeast-survey.html OG brands are waking up also. They realized the futility and stupidity of using "influencers" to up brand "clout" the article interviews some of the more prominent heads in the community. “In the early ’90s, we were all rooted in some sort of subculture,” said Erik Brunetti, the designer behind the label FUCT. “For example, skateboarding or graffiti or punk rock. Versus brands today, they’re not really rooted in any sort of subculture. They just sort of appeared out of nowhere.” they fucking appeared out of nowhere
  18. glorydays


    they have a 90s feel
  19. glorydays


    @misteraveni'm like desperately praying you do an adidas shoe ????
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