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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. i can't really agree @misteraven it does seem they are getting paid to stay home and not work BUT they were directed to by the same government denying them that money its a lose lose situation for the lower classes...i really got heated over the corporations getting a hand out too
  2. i said it...people in power are going to monetize off the poor the poverty-industrial complex includes the deregulated capitalist ideal of "hard work is a virtue in and of itself" meaning, the poor getting a generous amount of money to stay healthy would be a sin against capitalism
  3. i did not get the toilet paper hype bro, they even took the super quilted toilet paper its like wiping your ass with a north face denali fleece
  4. I just don't trust the fact that NOTHING financially happens in the background while we all for necessities
  5. "你可以起诉这个阴茎" - China translation : you can sue this dick
  6. theres only 2 ways out its either a miracle treatment comes out soon or we all get it
  7. Its the capitalist directive...create a scare that plunges the stock market, buy up, then come out with a solution that makes the markets bear again. and i agree...fucking Italy just lost 800 people TODAY...goddamn, son i think all of this panic is so that wall street can make a decent buck for the short term for example, senator richard burr offloaded ALL of his stock a week before the pandemic announcement...that weaselly motherfucker made a pretty coin off the flu
  8. @misteraveni believe COVID is in a family all its own...the entire corona virus family is not in line with the regular flu that comes out every year the shape and RNA of the corona family is, i've seen from videos, a different strain all together
  9. i don't have the strength to argue and we are all coming at this from an outsider point of view believing in a talking window is as dangerous as believing in an imaginary friend that grants wishes from the clouds
  10. we all need to get it to start immunity there's literally no other way
  11. the thing is, COVID looks like, and i may sound insensitive about this, fully designed to kill off weaker people. That sounds fucking horrible, i know, but it happened with the spanish flu and every other super flu that's been "cured" before. It's as if nature was tired of the human population getting too big and the flu finally hit the genetic lottery that will kill off a number of our elderly. This flu will kill people whether we go back to normal or not. and what is the tactic of herd immunity? at least 92% of the population needs to be infected with COVID and live for it to finally die down. so we need to all get infected whether we like it or not.
  12. But i don't know if that would be safe for the rest of the country or not
  13. Watch as the COVID-industrial complex monetizes on the poor. It will intersect with the military-industrial complex by having poor kids who can't afford shit to join up. It will also intersect with the prison-industrial complex by jailing and fining the poor and middle class with petty shit. It will finally intersect with the poverty-industrial complex as prices hike to astronomical numbers while at the same time banks make a killing off high interest rate small loans and credit cards.
  14. yup...trump is sending us all back to work next fucking week the covid rollercoaster is not done with reaching its peak yet. We're gonna have alot more deaths in a few months. Now i'm worried about the power grab thing.
  15. President is itching to "starting the country" back up so he is having his scientists research whether it is ok to send the young and the strong back to work to get the economy up and going again. Superseding the states' decisions on staying at home is, I guess, a mild power move. I am getting bored at home. But the risk he's taking with sending us all back out? I don't know anymore. The news seems to be only interested in what Cuomo and New York has to say.
  16. Dont go out as a skate park hero.....hit the streets
  17. I mean i will stay at home, my respect for this disease is high I just don't think it's the end days, thats all
  18. 8================================D 8===========================D 8=====================D 8==============D 8========D 8==D
  19. I don't believe that the US will be, in any way, a future example of what not to do during a pandemic. that seems a little over blown...not trying to argue or offend, but the US has survived MERS and SARS without any real danger to its population
  20. yea...canada is chill as fuck legal weed and everything, i wouldn't be panicking either
  21. what this disease did is level the playing field economically the one thing i worry about is the value of the dollar going down since everything is so cheap right now to stimulate spending. Once this scare wears off, the prices are going to astronomically go up to compensate for the time lost imagine 7 dollars a gallon for gas or 8 dollars for milk............it'll be like we all live in hawaii
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