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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. A dumbass likely currently living with deep regret.
  2. It's this perspective that has me bewildered as to why the usual voices on 12OZ, who are black letter readers of the constitution, aren't flipping their lids at the moment.
  3. THis is Australia. That's our Prime Minister being told to get off the grass.
  4. Would be great to see some real person pics of these kinds of events.
  5. Well, would you look at that!
  6. Sorry for the Twitter blast but this is 100% true and really quite meaningful:
  7. I don't know any time in history that the president's own former staff have resigned in protest and then spoken out against him like this: James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution In an extraordinary condemnation, the former defense secretary backs protesters and says the president is trying to turn Americans against one another. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/06/james-mattis-denounces-trump-protests-militarization/612640/?utm_content=edit-promo&utm_medium=social&utm_term=2020-06-03T21%3A59%3A05&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=the-atlantic
  8. "The same protesters...." C'mon dude, you're very obviously above silly lines of argument like that. All we know about this guy is what we see in the clip, he could be a fucking priest for all we know. Unless you can show that he was punching MAGA caps, you can only judge him on what we see here. Same as you can only judge the cops on what we see.
  9. Because he had nothing in his hands? Of course, dude was an idiot and copped a spray for his bravado. However, I can't see there being any other argument for this other than excessive and potentially deadly use of force by the cops.
  10. I have a fleshlight made into the shape of his pouty lips and some tiny little hands that I use to cup my balls. It's quite pleasing.
  11. Not at all, it came over as you intended it. I also know that I'm over-reacting a bit on the 'where's the militia' angle. Partly because what I'm seeing is affecting me a lot. I've mentioned many times my love and deep respect for the USA and my hope that it continues to be the dominant global force, because on balance, it is a force for progress and good. I also have family there, etc. etc. I also over react because I think that the idea that an armed populace is not a great answer to tyranny, you'll never outgun the state and there is no cost too high for a state to defeat challengers. It has to be done a different way. And I guess that what we're seeing now in the US is from the very first page of the tyrant's play book and if there ever was a time for people to stand up, it's now. That doesn't mean rioting or looting, it means being seen, standing side by side on the street (legally) and taking the arrest if that's what's going to happen for exercising 1A. Ok, rant over.
  12. lol, nice cop out, pussy. When some one provides clear evidence (in video form, not even text!) that doesn't suit your argument, act like you're above it all and run away! Alright bootlickers, it's 2am and you're all a great disappointment to me. Try and do better tomorrow, please. G'night. .
  13. You clearly didn't watch the vids, you responded way to quickly for that. You aren't actually aware of what happened, you don't want your position to be challenged. And I'm the one that gets accused of loving government power and whatever other bullshit MErcer posted up the page. This situation is really bringing out the bootlickers - post shit in the ACAB thread, lick boots in the Minneapolis thread! Y'all surprise fuck out of me.
  14. Still an unarmed civilian being shot in the face at point blank. Pretty obvious excessive force here.
  15. Again, there was no riot or laws being broken when the Aussies were bashed. The German wasn't on a street where the cops were under assault or being attacked (he also had his back to them and was clearly marked as press) and the American journo with Vice was on private property laying face down. I mean, you're actually defending blatant police brutality here. First 15 seconds: Public area, not curfew, no rioting,no law breaking, media standing well to the side and easily identifiable (but the prez wants a photo in front of the church) https://7news.com.au/politics/australian-news-crew-assaulted-by-us-cops-c-1073307 On private property, complying with he cops, identifying himself as a journo whilst lying face down, still gets maced. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/y3zd7g/i-told-riot-cops-im-a-journalist-they-forced-me-to-the-ground-and-pepper-sprayed-me-in-the-face
  16. Think you blokes need to watch a few of the vids. The DW journo was nowhere near rioters when he was shot by a rubber bullet. The Australian journalists were bashed when they were filming a legal protest, during the day in a public park. There was no violence from the crowd, the cops used violence to clear the park so the Prez could get his photo took in front of a church. Another journo was in a petrol station nowhere near the action, he was thrown to the ground and then maced while he was laying still with his hands above his head. I could go on for half a page - there's clear video to show all of this.
  17. Esper going rogue on the Prez?
  18. NAh, can't agree with that. A free and open media is important to a functioning democracy. I know that the media and our governance have problems but I'd rather not see them get worse by having a media that can only report news that favourable to the govt on the day.
  19. Yep, well, aside from my ignorance of who Jeff Foxworthy is, you have your position and it's clear. I can respect that.
  20. I just click the link in the text I can see (I can't see the actual videos) and it takes me to the Twitter webpage where the vid is.
  21. It's not just the rioters and looters that are getting shot/sprayed/beaten. It's also people who are peacefully protesting and following the law. There's a whole thread of it here to see. Plus, I've spent a lot of time in Austin. You're dreaming if you think that there aren't people who want to fuck shit up, loot and pelt cops in that town.
  22. Australian, German and other journalists covering the protests and riots in the US have been bashed and shot with rubber bullets etc. They weren't milling in with dudes throwing rocks or any shit like that either, the footage is clear as day. They have nothing to do with the media wars in the US yet they are being targeted. Free media is allowed to be biased, that's what freedom of speech gives you. People don't have to watch it.
  23. They may be working. I have to click through to the original page/video to see them because of some of the settings I run. So I skim past a few of them in these threads.
  24. Looks like he may have been run over or something. Any idea what happened, @Dirty_habiT?
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