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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Free fights on Bellator tonight, definitely delivering thus far. Think UFC tomorrow night are free too.
  2. ^ Chairman Mao would have loved his shit.
  3. Something stolen to keep it going quake-and-skinner-erie-alley-san-francisco-bay-are
  4. I'm only liking this for guns and gnocchi. Needs more Danzig, IMO.
  5. Ha. "No Jews live in the village today" There's a surprise, lol. Wonder if all this will make the push for the Redskins to change their name.
  6. So all the confederate flags have to come down because they are a link/symbol of a time of hatred, but people will keep using the N word in all its forms because people universally agree it now means "my good friend." In short, people are fucking stupid. NotsupportingtheflagortheNwordoner
  7. I suspect there have been some. It was a RNC, and recall that when he put it on Slice seemed to tap right away but the ref didn't see it as such and I haven't heard that mentioned. Slice kind of rolled out of it, dudes were commenting that he just flexed his neck. Also funny that Ken was walked out by Road Warrior Animal. Lame ending to a night of good fights. I'd like to RNC this:
  8. Sucks when it's hot and raining. You can wear a raincoat to stay dry but then you end up sweating your ass off.
  9. Funny you should say this, as I've been thinking of asking on here for a while who that follows MMA thinks there's a fix on some of these fights? I'm not sure if that fight was fixed or if it was kind of pseudo fixed, like Ken can't take a huge beating so when he gets punched just call it. Kimbo didn't really hit him but once or twice and managed to open a cut with just that, and did Bellator want to be responsible for this 51-year-old legend getting his wits knocked out of him permanently? Anyhow, curious what people think about the whole fixing idea.
  10. Only UFC is this afternoon on their fight pass, which I'm not paying for and won't bother to find otherwise online. Watched Bellator last night, they managed an overall good night of fights with finishes and knockouts. Bobby Lashley is one big dude, sure he had to give the roids up to be in MMA. Took his opponent down multiple times via suplex and even power bombed his way out of an arm bar attempt. Main fight was Kimbo Slice VS Ken Shamrock, not too exciting and over quick when Kimbo punched him in the face.
  11. Women really don't like when you address them as "Hey tits"
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