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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Between the actual day and leftovers I think I'm still pooping out Thanksgiving
  2. Said it before & will say it again- Permethrin motherfuckers. Not one tick this year since using it. Wiki it.
  3. I don't get how, for example, different high ranking officials can comment on a story and it says they did so anonymously because they weren't authorized to comment on the matter, yet no one makes a stink about that or goes after them legally. But then you have someone, I guess Snowden would be an example, who reveals things that the American public wants to know about and he's vilified. Not sure where the difference lies other than that someone has labelled some info sensitive and classified, but really you're not supposed to go reveal info on any matter without authorization in any of these govt organizations.
  4. Had little time to make a decision and went with this in the end. Friends were either disappointed or fully approved, guess you love it or hate it. Nice fit, works sweet. Ready to go out and lay down some more $ to get something else to shoot too. Glad to see the Colts getting posted in here. Did peep some Kimbers in the store, looks nice.
  5. Personally I don't get all the gloating & hate by people. No matter how good you are you're bound to lose. People also seem to forget that she's a pro wrestling fan and the UFC has taken the cue from WWE long ago to play heel characters to hype them and their fights. And in the end, she still kind of wins. Everyone is really talking about her, not Holm. I imagine that people will be less than excited to see Holm fight, and even if she does, the whole roster is people RR already whooped. So... the only fight in that weight class that people will want to see is the rematch. If she wins, back on top and I'm sure everyone adores her again. If she loses, she might walk away and settle down with her millions. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing Michelle Waterson fight in about 2 months. She had a great UFC debut and the girl is smoking!
  6. 3135248_open-uri20130630-2066-117aobp.jpg?13726262
  7. Used, or new? Heard debate on this one too- the cable guy? If they're coming to install cable/internet/phone do you tip them? Or say fuck that, they work for an evil empire that's draining your $ just to provide TV channels so fuck a tip?
  8. Hired some movers for a job on the weekend. They were personable, didn't break shit, saw they knew what they were doing and saw them taking care driving from A to B so shit didn't get banged around or rearranged in the truck. Usually do $20 a person for movers but gave these guys a little extra for getting it done right. Have a TV being delivered in a few days. Delivery was free. They're basically going to take it in, out the box, and leave. Tip? Or no?
  9. That Noke body kick was pretty sweet, hope the rest of the night continues to improve.
  10. b-the-best-non-iron-button-down-front-oxford-shirt
  11. Do you tip cows? Leads to beef.....
  12. Old subject, new thread, for the maybe 10 people still here who can throw down an opinion. What do you tip for, what do you not? Anything you tip for that people may miss doing? Shit you just won't tip for? Subject came up in getting a furniture delivery today, new mattress and bed frame. Was unsure what to do so I turned to the interwebz. Opinion was, if you paid for delivery, no tip. But- if it was a pain in the ass delivery or took them long time for complicated assembly, give tip. They arrived, after the given time window, with the frame, no mattress. Easy in, assembly, out. Think they may have expected $ for this. Returned later, well after given return time, with mattress, in, out, nothing given. I will say for movers, I give at least $20 a person regardless of the job. Restaurants, usual 20% to the server unless they sucked, were a dick or whatever. If the service sucked but it was obviously not the server's fault I won't screw them for that. Bartenders a buck a drink, more to start if I'm ordering for me & others and I want attentiveness throughout the night. Really don't like something like the bagel shop expecting tips, I'll come behind the counter and slice my own bagel thank you. Funniest shit, the Indian dudes at this gas station had a tip cup out for a hot minute. For what? Ringing up my gas? Lolz, no one was falling for that shit. Related that caught my eye with good timing, this: http://money.cnn.com/2015/11/11/pf/joes-crab-shack-no-tipping/index.html 35-tip-jars-that-deserve-your-money-2-31902-141236
  13. I see you've played knifey spoony before High socks got the green light a page or so ago. Not the Mexican Mafia type of green light either.
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