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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Is that why the animated gif I tried to drag & drop into another thread didn't play?
  2. Sounds rough as far as accomodoations, but people have had to do worse to get ahead. Just remember you're not in college to make friends with your random roommate. You're there to fuck chicks and party. And then post the pix to 12oz.
  3. Going to have to go through and give a listen. Checked a few but too mellow for me. Interesting thing I heard mentioned the other day is that with digital/electronic approaches to music some of the younger generation are in a sense more learning how to arrange sounds through a computer than learn to play the actual instrument, don't know if that would account for some of the dislike for new music?
  4. When I first saw this thread's title I thought it was a reference to some past conversations on the Oontz about trying to reduce reliance on the utility grid, fuck the utility companies, etc. Wonder if you're doing any of that or considering? I don't have the cash to put into solar right now, nor the land space since I wouldn't put it on my home. Would do a shed or greenhouse or something with it though. I'm figuring you're not connected to any public water supply since you're on a big stretch of land? I am connected, but would like to eventually do something with collecting rainwater and using that for irrigation or simply watering with a hose attachment.
  5. You know the kid can't screen shot, but I finally learned how for you. Thanks 12oz! Here's one of my posts. The report button doesn't appear next to the share. I know it's my own post, but other people's posts display the same. It also doesn't show the reactions as it does above- can't see the who for me or others.
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