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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. True re: people being uniformed, or at least less informed, on what is not personal. Raven you're giving people too much credit, sometimes they just want to be told the news and don't have the time/energy/resources to look up the facts on their own. Even then, you still have to consider the source of your facts. Not sure there is much in the media that isn't agenda driven on some level. Even how the news is produced, like they always try to end the news with a feel good story. Even the comics in the newspaper.
  2. While there is 'freedom of press' I think it's pretty well known that most forms of media are backed by people who push their view/agenda in multiple ways, although I doubt the average member of the publc considers this as they are being hit with headlines. I imagine that people do gravitate toward news sources that reflect their views but still, you can't just eat what's put in front of you because it was put there. Probably helps to have a basic understanding of statistics, science, etc. as well, not sure how many people have that. You can always find a study or some stats to support your views, and if not, someone will make one that does and then do a news story on it. Anyhow, news is painfully agenda driven and biased for sure.
  3. As much as I appreciate you taking the thread for a test drive, it is my thread. Start your own thread, or at least post in the Freight Junkies thread.
  4. Recently got my lady to do a women's firearms course for a day. Started out .22 pistol/rifle and was then free to browse through an assortment of firepower brought by various instructors... know she shot a big game rifle and a S&W revolver. First time shooter, said she liked the S&W best because she felt like Dirty Harry. Can't be mad about that. Came in at the end and had her fire these before leaving (not mine), looked pretty sexy dropping 3 round bursts.
  5. It was a tank. Fell off the roof of the car onto pavement, no problem. Had a close call where getting hemmed up appeared imminent and had to open the camera mid-film and rip the film out, wasn't great for the camera, but still worked. Survived some shitty temperatures too. Took a beating on top of 100's of photos, it was time for it to be let go. Like you said, it's about the glass. I also prefer a good zoom, ability to shoot video, and moving objects like trains. I don't want any wifi or gps features in my camera.
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