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Everything posted by RiSE-DvS

  1. Looks like you need an ass-kicking to get you down off your little high-chair. Go to school, fool.
  2. LOL yeah right I wish... These last couple years have been the worst years of my life.
  3. Grow the fuck up. Just because you were born with both sex organs doesn't mean you have to be a douchebag to everyone. And what's this about HIM acting like the king of toys? Way to put the blame on someone else, you fucking pedophile. That's right. The FBI knows about your little kiddie porn escapades.
  4. RiSE-DvS


    Sorry, but I'm not gonna sit here and get talked down to by some fucking idiot teenager who thinks he's the fucking master of the internet and all things related to spray painting. I don't give a fuck if you wear a bandanna OR a mask or if you sit there sucking on the nozzle. You don't have to go off on me for wanting to wear a respirator.
  5. I "hide" it in my glass display case. My parents know about me being a writer and they don't care as long as I don't paint inside the house, I don't tell them about my painting, and I don't get caught. I'm also 22 so if my parents don't like it then there's really not much they can do about it anyways. What are they gonna do, ground me? HA And YES I'm 22 and live with my parents because when I was 16 I moved out and got my own apartment and got addicted to oxycontin and heroin and all different kinds of opiates and I ended up running up masses of debt and got to the point where I couldn't quit by myself. I moved back in with them last year so that I can pay off my debt, get rid of my addiction (1 year and 2 months clean as of today) and get my shit straight. EDIT : Sorry guys I didn't see this is a revived thread until just now. I sent lawnmower bad rep and told him whats up.
  6. RiSE-DvS

    Yard Safety

    Apparently cops DO know that stuff. :rolleyes:
  7. RiSE-DvS


    Well that's what I thought but your buddy doesn't seem to think so. Unless he's just trying to piss me off for whatever reason.
  8. RiSE-DvS


    Maybe you should check out the safety sticky. Read some of those stories and you'll find out why everyone is starting to wear respirators. Someday you'll be mature, and you'll understand that safety comes before looking cool.
  9. RiSE-DvS


    So for me to be smart I have to inhale toxic paint fumes? And I don't understand how you think I'm acting like a crip by saying I'd rather wear a mask than a bandanna. It's obvious you don't wear a mask because you make absolutely no sense.
  10. RiSE-DvS

    Yard Safety

    I did a quick search for train signals in this thread, but I didn't see anything so if this has already been posted, I'm sorry. This is good learning for anyone who spends any amount of time on the tracks, unless you don't mind getting run over or cut in half. Train signal meanings for the US ---> http://www.railroadsignals.us/basics/basics4.htm#Signal_Colors_and_Their_Meaning_ KEEP IN MIND THAT SIGNALS ARE DIFFERENT FOR OTHER COUNTRIES, AND CAN ALSO DIFFER FROM STATE TO STATE OR PROVINCE TO PROVINCE.
  11. RiSE-DvS


    Well I can't hold my breath for 3 minutes when I'm doing a piece. And if you're too stupid to understand that the gases in spraypaint will fuck you up, then that's your problem. And if I want to wear a mask, then why the fuck does it matter to you? Get off my ass and stop acting like you're king shit. I'm tired of you bashing every post I make. Your signature says "go paint and stop acting like your king of the toys on the internet". Maybe you should take your own advice.
  12. Yeah, it still applies if you're making your own ink from scratch OR mixing inks.
  13. RiSE-DvS


    Let's see how manly you are when you're 40, have no hair, you're incontinent, and you're gasping for breath.
  14. Wow. Go figure. Only in America can you attempt to make money off of another person's suicide. God hates the USA for SURE lol
  15. Yeah, its actually more like paint. It's that rubbery stuff that's used for t-shirt logos and whatnot.
  16. Does anyone know where in Ontario, Canada I can get some Pilot Super Color Ink? I've been looking for some since I wanna make a killer ink for my Pilot Super but I can't find any. I live in the Hamilton area. And has anyone heard of PVC Ink? I heard it's for screenprinting, but I can get one gallon cans of it for cheap. Is it good shit or should I not even bother?
  17. RiSE-DvS


    Actually, after reading the thread about safety and all those stories of what happens to people who don't wear respirators, I'm NEVER going out without my mask anymore. Bandanas don't filter ANYTHING, no matter how tight you wear it. Also, when you wear a mask you probably look more legit to non-writers so they'd be less likely to bother you (just an assumption, meaning I don't have any clue but it makes sense to me). I'd say wearing a bandanna is better than wearing nothing at all, but if you can get a mask then by all means, get it.
  18. Hey guys, Well, being new to the sub-culture of graffiti and street-art (I've tagged for years, but never really knew anyone else who did, and I didn't care much to learn about the history), I'm having troubles with getting on my feet. Mainly with coming up with a word/name/etc. At first I was using TwizZ, but now I realize that it's really hard to make it look good because the letters are so hard to get to flow nicely. I mean, sometimes I can make it look half-decent but usually it just looks like hell. Then, I came up with RiSE. I didn't like the S, so I dropped it and replaced it with a Z. I like the flow now, but the problem is that it's already taken (Rize One). I'm just wondering, does it matter if I use the same name as someone else? I mean, I can change it to "Rize Two" or something and use an original style, but I just feel that by using someone else's name, I'm kind of ripping them off. Even if I thought of it before I knew that it was already used. So basically what I'm wondering is does it matter specifically what name I use, or is it mostly about the style? How did you guys come up with your names?
  19. Okay so instead of Roke Reserve posting something saying "That's not how you use buff", he gave me bad rep. Too bad he's wrong. At least where I live, it's tag<throw<bomb<piece<mural. That's a rule. You don't go over someone's shit unless it's a lesser piece. I was pretty sure everyone went by this, but apparently not.
  20. How the fuck did this guy miss EVERY shot? I mean, the first shot he LINED UP and missed. He even shot into the floor by mistake! Holy hell. At least he didn't miss on his last shot.
  21. RiSE-DvS


    I'd rather look suspicious than show my face to everyone. Besides, you look suspicious if you're 22 and walking around at 1am without stumbling and wearing all black anyways. And you don't have to wear it ALL the time when you're out, you can simply pull it down around your neck when you're not close to a spot/at a spot/just leaving a spot, and tuck the bottom into your shirt, OR just take it off when you don't NEED it on. ALSO, if anyone is like me and has problems breathing through it, just roll up the half that's on the inside like a rim so that you only need to breathe through one layer. It also helps it to stay on your face without being so tight that your nose is bent down to your mouth. Another thing I do is just take a t-shirt and make a ninja mask out of it :
  22. When I first started, I'd have other "artists" (assholes) buff me out and write shit like "Give up, toy!" and shit like that so yeah some people are going to be douchebags but I doubt everyone was a natural from the first time they picked up a can so just do whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't buff other people and don't go over something thats better than yours. (tag<throw<piece<bomb<mural)
  23. Okay I don't know how nobody has figured this one out yet, because it took me 2 seconds on google, but anyways : http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Paint-with-a-Fire-Extinguisher/ OR you can get the ones that have a "cartridge" setup. The handle and everything should be un-screwable from the can, and once you take it off you just empty out the powder and fill it with paint and water. I heard it's like half water and half paint but I guess it depends where you live. HERE is the link for the cartridge style extinguishers : And CANADIANS - don't go trying this when it's colder than 0 celsius outside because any overspray will semi-freeze and land on you. Also, DO NOT USE IT IN THE WIND. That should be obvious with ANY spray-painting method, but some people don't always use their heads lol... (I've done it)
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