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Everything posted by RiSE-DvS

  1. If you go to most department stores they have this automotive hand cleaner that smells like orange and comes with ground pumice in it. It's super thick shit, and some of it you can use without needing water as long as you can wipe it off. Works on just about everything and most of the kinds made also moisturize your skin at the same time. I haven't had any for a while now but I used to use it when I was working on a car or painting for work and it always took everything off easily as fuck.
  2. LOL imagine opening the car door and bumping the car next to you and coming back and "THANKS ASSHOLE" is etched into your windshield... Well, you'd probably be pretty pissed if it happened to you but if you were with who it happened to you'd laugh your fucking ass off. hahaha gotta remember that one for next time it happens to me :P
  3. HA wow I e-mailed the company yesterday and just got a reply that they're sending me a few Dalo's to try out! Thanks for letting me know about this gramps, now I'm gonna search around and try to get free samples from everyone! :)
  4. RiSE-DvS


    DVS Munition CT... DVS is the ONLY way to go, imo. I've never had a shoe that was so comfortable and durable until I discovered DVS, and I've worn every skate shoe brand and lots of other brands that make skate shoes but these are the best. I'll never wear anything other than DVS until they stop making em.
  5. Yeah I'm pretty sure that they don't put the warnings on the shit just to fuck with you guys... It's there for a reason and thinking that the warning is an exaggeration is stupid as fuck. That's why people still get fucked up by shit that HAS a warning label on it - they don't read it or they just say its not true. Then you'll go and blame it on the PRODUCT and not yourself when you go and spill it on yourself. And like 'oh noe!' said... It's just not worth it. Get a fucking rock and you can do the same shit but without risking death. If that's not common sense to you then you're a fucking idiot and you're making the rest of the writers out there (who actually USE their brains) look bad.
  6. Yeah the fluoride molecules seep into your skin and react with the calcium in your blood stream to cause cardiac arrest, with as little as pouring it on your hand, spilling it on your legs, etc.. If you go to the hospital with HFA burns, they will amputate whatever limb is burned, to prevent system toxicity/heart attacks/burning out your veins from the inside. It's just NOT worth it. A rock is good enough.
  7. Oh, you guys own graffiti supply shops or something? Or did they just ask you for that info because they thought you'd be using it at work or something? If I can get a sample then I'm doing it for sure because otherwise I have to drive 2 hours to get one/buy some from art primo... ---------- And has anyone noticed that the Sakura Pen-Touch inks are practically buff-proof? Honestly, I can't write over it with my pilot because it just burns right through immediately. If you try enough, it still wont buff but it actually picks up the sakura ink and makes like a black/gold ink. Looks tight. I wish I could mix what's left in my sakuras with my pilot ink, but the sakuras are xylene-free so I don't think they'll mix too well. Haven't tried painting over it though...
  8. Well it's also acid so go ahead and burn your arms off because there really is no easy way to hide it without getting it all over yourself.
  9. ... Or it's like saying Pilot is the only brand I can trust... It's what works best for what I want to do and that's all that matters to me.
  10. yeah all my pens and markers and everything are Pilot... The only brand I can trust. And yes, the Pilot Super Colors are all xylene based.
  11. He's actually 19 and likely is still in high school or jobless considering he can be on the computer at 12pm (his local time) all week, so therefore he also lives at his parents' house. And I live at my parents' because I moved out and got heavily addicted to opioid painkillers and lost my job and my apartment and everything I owned and I needed somewhere to get clean. I'm sorry but I don't care if you think living with my rents isn't cool because I'm still living which is more than I could say if I was still addicted to that shit. Not to mention I don't even see why it matters. Boo-hoo. I have to live with my parents who let me do whatever the fuck I want since I'm 22 and boohoo that I only pay 200 a month for room and board... Yeah living cheap is sooo gay dude :D
  12. Yo runine can't you just post something where you're not trying to act cool for a bunch of random people in a forum? This is ridiculous. I can't say anything without making sure that there's nothing you can pick apart... I'm so fed up with your bullshit. Grow the fuck up.
  13. shit... I forgot all about those Dalo's... Gonna get me some if there's some sales on boxing day... (of course there will be)
  14. Yeah I'm lucky that I haven't been busted yet but everyone knows my old name TwizZ so that's why I changed it to Rize. My dad told me one day he saw my tag and I changed it within about 10 minutes lol... All of my buddies have seen at least one of my tags or pieces when I was using TwizZ. Another problem with living in a small town is that there's a very small number of places that are actually worth the risk to hit. Instead I just walk to the next town beside me which has like 350,000 people and it's much easier to find shit there or just to tag without someone yelling at you or whatever. I had one guy that parked beside me when I was hitting up a throwie and he sat there laying on his horn til I left... Then he followed me almost all the way home and I had to run through peoples' backyards to get home so that he wouldn't see where I live. Sketchy as FUCK.
  15. So do I... Look it up on Google Earth... The town I live in has 25,000 people and it's sketchy as fuck because there's only like 6 writers from my town... Everyone here talks to everyone and most people look out their windows constantly so you have to be super careful. But yeah, 3 days to empty a pilot is eeeeasy. I go out for 6 hours everyday and walk the whole time so I end up hitting a ton of shit.
  16. e-mail the company and they can usually tell you.. Otherwise call Staples and Office Depot and all the little art supply shops around your area... Someone will have em. Make sure you get a bottle of ink if you're out a lot because I ran it dry in 3 days, and couldn't find refill ink ANYWHERE for a week.
  17. Damn some of those look SICK. I especially like the Marsh FB/26 one. I'll stick to my Pilot Super Jumbo for now, though. Feels good and writes better. And the ink is pretty fucking opaque too.
  18. Yeah they SURE DO need to test some of these assholes, HUH RUNINE? Why don't you just shut the fuck up instead of continuing to act like the little bitch you are? It takes 2 to argue, jackass. Accept your half of the responsibilty. And obviously you were stalking him, otherwise WHY WOULD YOU BE IN THE OKLAHOMA THREAD? You just like Oklahoma? Is Oklahoma what they talk about in the streets? Is that what's poppin?
  19. Jizz works great. Every time you go out, squirt in your bottle a bit and then go hit shit up. Gangstaaaaaaa
  20. Well, I FINALLY found a source in Hamilton for some Pilot Super Color jumbos and ink, and the dude even said if there's any markers or pens or ink or anything I want then I just need to let him know and he'll order some for next time I'm in. Thank god! I was starting to think I'd never see my precious Pilot work again! Now to mark up everything in my way :)
  21. For real. The world is full of assholes, I don't see why we need to be assholes in here too...
  22. Lol don't feel so special. It feels like he's doing the same to me. Just waiting for me to say something that he can pick me apart for. I'm surprised this forum still exists because I don't know why any new members would stay if they have to put up with that bullshit all the time. I joined here to talk about writing with other writers who can understand me, and it's more like I just joined a forum where my parents are already members LOL
  23. Ugh. I can't believe how stubborn and how fucking oblivious you are. YOU start all this bullshit and then you play like you're mister perfect who does nothing wrong? Are you fucking serious? I give up. I'm just going to put you on my ignore list and stop reading the shit you post. Leave me the fuck alone and I'll return the favor.
  24. You're a fucking hypocrite and a little pussy. For the last time, GROW THE FUCK UP. Not everyone is willing to put up with your bullshit. Just because you were picked on growing up doesn't mean you have the right to get on the internet where nobody can touch you and start acting like the biggest dickhead on the planet. Maybe YOU need a couple Midol because you're the one who's going off about me wanting to wear a fucking mask. OF ALL THINGS... ... And how the fuck are you online? Shouldn't you be at work or school? Or is it just that kings of toys don't have to be responsible human beings?
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