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Mr Egor

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Everything posted by Mr Egor

  1. More Bombing Flicks!!! some good shit being posted!
  2. I had to leave a bag at a spot due to being raided, 12 cans, bolt cutters and camera were found, my name was on a piece of paper with my name on it in the bag. got the call about 3-4 weeks later, cop said it was found in a completely different area that i lost it, i was told i'd be followed up, nothings ever happened from it.
  3. Looks like someone needs to man the fuck up. just suss shit out see what security is like where offices are. just get the fuck out there and kill shit!
  4. Mr Egor

    Just Wow...

    the photos at the end were very displeasing aswell
  5. at my local its 7 each or 6 or more for 650 and 12 or more for 6. used to be six or more for 6. its going up slowly
  6. ive still got a lot more to go before im half decent
  7. Stop fucking worrying about cops dusting your stickers for prints
  8. Mr Egor


    such a bad troll
  9. Duster is just WAY too fresh!
  10. Shane O'Neill - Bangin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08LO80Sd4E8
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Yeah that was some wack shit
  12. booty can be on a thinner girl you know.
  13. Post up some booty,ill get it started.
  14. Thanks for that ekat flick in the canal sydney rat race
  15. Hmmmmmm. seems wack, seems like it would be useless for graffiti despite the advert
  16. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Art under my definition is anything and everything that is created by someone, eg a piece of music, writing, a photo anything so yeah id say graffiti is art
  17. That is fair fucked up. cant have been that hungry
  18. Fuck so much shit from that last spot that will remain unnamed
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