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Everything posted by sayWORD?

  1. that venue is super fuckin dope bruh. i think the simplicity makes me like it so much. also, good looks on the breaking bad steeze, feeling that. dope as always mek.
  2. sayWORD?


    hey homies, long time no talk. been doing great, just finished another work year (6 months) and life has slowed down for me considerably. drank once in the last 3 months. sorta terrified that if i let myself get into the more regular routine of drinking, ill end up back at square one. met the love of my life (WITHOUT BEING DRUNK) and she has helped me out unbelievably. i cant lie, i was blown away by how attractive (inside and out) this girl was and immediately realized that my past lifestyle would be a huge turnoff for her. she reminded me that there was only merit in me quitting for ME, not for her, and im grateful for that. shits been a blessing and its refreshing to be consuming my time doing positive sober activities that i had thought id outgrown or was no longer interested in. have i lost some people over these last few months trying to get sober? absolutely. started to realize that alot of the "friends" i had been hanging around were moreso drinking partners than solid companions. i still care for most of these people, just dont care to be around them regularly. it sucks, but at the end of the day i need to do me. look out for number one ya know? does SM still post in here? i know this forum has hit a bit of a bumpy road as of late, but she helped me out alot with positive pms and such, just wanted to say thanks. i know she checks (or used to check) this thread alot. i appreciate each and every one of you who sent kind words and encouragement when i was in a rough spot a year ago. my life has gotten alot better and id like to pay it forward. thank you very much guys and girls, i honestly feel like you all played a huge role in opening my eyes to my situation and i feel blessed that i could come onto this thread and express how low i was feeling and get advice. i still have a long way to go. but i can breathe now. -sW
  3. if i seen that nigga judge joe brown wasted groping up on some skeezies, id be recording that shit too. this is now the worldstar thread. big girl puts hands on her man for cheating: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhn1v22CKh4259zRh0 whole family beats on kid for tryna steal: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh4047tXTGlWB0Y9sx the quietest fight ever...two deaf kids scrap: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhSxc73L9kQ49f6le1 black dude defends white gf: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh06pkBteWeMhPhD8m
  4. i thought of your reaction to the worldstar link drue. thus the disclaimer.
  5. and i dont care if its old news or someone cries about worldstar. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhP07vyw676Z5t6H59
  6. that QU shit is fire bruh. have some tictacs.
  7. sayWORD?


    beat my dui bruhz! so happy, my lawyer built such a strong case that they were forced to drop the charges before the trial date. lessons were definitely learned, expensive ones at that, but whatever. cant guarantee myself or anyone else that i will never have another drink, but i can surely say that i will never get behind the wheel after having even one beer. stay up homies.
  8. sayWORD?


    you kinda did call me out broheem, but thats ok. i come on this thread for info, support (both receiving and giving nh), and to ask questions from people with experience. as ive stated a few times, writing things down is very therapeutic and helps put things into perspective for me. the alcoholism thread is a check-in for me, ive been posting on here for years. my posts are usually longer and i try to be upfront and honest as much as possible, both to give myself reality checks months later, and possibly shed some light to others who are battling shit. not sure where you are in your addiction, or to what youre having problems managing, but its quite obvious that youre scrolling through this thread for a reason. were all the same here, in some way, shape, or form. at least thats the way i look at things. i guess you do not realize how low of a point i was at only a few months prior, or how deeply i was entrenched in my alcoholism. i can understand that, its the internet and im not looking for your sympathy or condolences. im taking steps that i feel are in the right direction, i like to document them, and its moreso for me than anyone else. like i said, this is the most sober i have been in over ten years, i like to think im not just "fucking around". if my posts come off as aggravating to you, theres an ignore option for a reason. in the meantime, im going to keep doing what im doing, both in real life with tryna eliminate my liquor consumption, and with posting on this thread. good day.
  9. sayWORD?


    i hear what youre saying.
  10. sayWORD?


    seems less of a physical dependance and more of this ongoing mental battle to me after this last month or so since i stopped drinking every day. the insomnia, shakes, and sweating seemed alot easier to deal with to be honest.
  11. sayWORD?


    hey homies. havent commented on this thread for a while, but i have checked it almost daily since my last post. ive been working extremely hard as of late, 70 hour weeks. i have cut down the booze dramatically. i try to stay off it during the week, and saturday night is my night to go hard, since sunday is my only day off (sometimes not even). i dont know if i will ever be able to be a social drinker. im trying to be one. im trying because to be honest, never having another drink again terrifies me. i have to fight the urge to binge drink on saturday because i like to get with girls and girls dont like to get with me when im shitfaced. in my line of work, the amount of hours and bullshit piled into 6 short months make it real difficult to not have at least one night a week to unwind. i have yet to do something that i regret on my one night boozing so im gonna ride this wave and see what happens. hopefully ill just learn to find balance, something my life has lacked in past years. ive been pretty successful (i use the term lightly) in staying clean during the week. im not especially proud of myself because i attribute this to absolute physical exhaustion more than a concious effort to stay sober. in some ways it feels like im failing, but in some ways it feels like im taking some positive steps. im constantly reminded at work about my mistakes attributed to drinking, especially this winter when i caught that charge. it gets draining. it gets frustrating. im in a position of authority due to seniority and experience, yet young first year laborers have the one up on me, or so it sometimes feels like. trial in 6 weeks. trying to stay positive. regardless of what the outcome is, guilty or innocent, i have to deal with the result maturely. meaning, i cannot go out and get shitfaced to celebrate, and i cannot go out to get wasted to drown my sorrows if the worst happens. this is the soberest i have been since i was 16 years old. i feel like i have some control back in my life. i guess i should learn to give myself a pat on the back once in a blue moon. peace boys and girls. -sW
  12. youre happy you got arrested? :lol: says the highschool kid that made a thread asking some complete strangers in some unknown part of the world what he should do to another highschool kid that disrespected him. sure bud.
  13. and its thizz or die, bruh.
  14. you have been explicitly told in numerous other threads that you are not good enough to be painting, period. you have been told to keep it on paper, and you have been told that if you really feel the need to paint, do it on some plywood in your backyard. you did not heed this advice and now you got arrested. you are a toy. a toy that asks for advice and doesnt take it. more people than you deserve resisted the urge to online clown you and instead kept their insults to a minimum and told you to fall back until you learned the game and developed a technique. you refused to listen. id say you got what you deserve. and if you have to come on the internet to find out what to do to some faceless snitch thats identity youre so convinced is going to be reveealed to you, you dont have the stomach or the balls for this shit. i kinda hope you step to whoever the fuck it is, and they beat your ass. yours truly, -sW?
  15. you just brought up a very valid point, if dao starts ranting in the nonsense thread about graffiti, is that considered a breach of channel zero rules, or nonsense? and if any mod, new or old, chooses to close the nonsense thread (assuming it doesnt get overrun with gore, nudity, or bestiality) i dont want to be a part of this forum anymore.
  16. of course, i had dao backpedaling. he went from "youre a fucking idiot if you dont think blooms hand is the fuckin illest" to "well i know dude doesnt have the greatest handstyle, but philly still kills it". and i do agree philly kills it, before everyone starts getting up in arms.
  17. lets be real here, that thread was "everyone from philly backing their own city up", and a few "expert ch0 graffiti historians" spewing about how if you didnt like some senior citizens tag, you must not know the history of wickets and graffiti, and how important a role philadelphia played in the movement. dao negged myself and others im sure for not agreeing with his vast graffiti knowledge, and the moderators stepped in. i was hoping theyd let dao continue to dig himself more of a verbal grave, but such is life.
  18. dao makes sequel thread to thread that got closed less than 24 hrs ago by new mod.
  19. i hate it when i spend time packing a good ass lunch for work and then forget that shit and realize when its impossible to turn around and retrieve it without being late. i hate it when a good homey for whatever reason decides to to hang around with a new group of people and youre automatically supposed to chill and enjoy these peoples company even though you got nothing in common. i hate it when i miss the first part of the game and my teams losing, and i automatically get that feeling that if i woulda been there watching from the start the score would be completely different. i hate it when a female cops a girlfriend attitude with you when youre not dating or fucking. i hate it when they take down albums/songs off youtube due to copyright infringements. i hate it when i stick warm beer in the freezer to chill it faster and then i forget about it. i hate it when i forget to charge my phone.
  20. lets say for the sake of argument that that hand was posted by a 25 year old from paris. you'd still be on his jock, right DAO? :rolleyes: i rest my case.
  21. i love how if youre from philly, you somehow get a pass for putting up garbage handstyles. that being said, let the geezer crush and snitch on himself. i aint mad at him. **cosign BW, kadism is dope. not hating on all philly heads or hands.
  22. i love it when you first start fucking/dating some chick and everythings new and you get to smash multiple times in a day. i love it when you look at the time at work and its way later than you expected.
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