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Everything posted by mudpuddles

  1. awesome robot pencil sharpener. got some halloween domos this year. they make me happy at work. chicken katsu!! i can walk to my therapists office. not that i see a therapist or anything...... her husband makes cool metal art. i thought my octodog was sweet. no one ate it. now i can't get the nannerpuss song out of my head.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo ....
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear schnitzel, stop flaunting your summertime all up in my wintertime!! :D - mp
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo DEAR 120Z! what the fuck!!! stop ghost attaching me !!! this is like the third time today. thanks. - mp dear chicken katsu, you were perfectly delicious!! love, mp
  5. she's actually not bad for a 3 yr old. she's gotten some pretty sweet graff shots when we go out hunting. good idea! thanks!
  6. why does the edit button disappear after a while and i can't edit posts that are a couple hours old. can i not edit posts after i log out and log back in? posted in channel zero this morn and didn't notice the ghost attachment and when i went back i tried to remove and there was no edit button to fix it..... is this just me?
  7. schnitzel, i got my daughter a $35 dollar digi camera made for kids. its got like princesses and shit all over it but its real durable and super fun for a kid interested in pictures. its hilarious to give it to kids at a party to see their perspective. and still totally jealous :)
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear dozer, i totally feel ya. life sucks it hardcore most of the time. - mp
  9. totally jealous of schnitzel's life right now...... the shots of it anyway
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear crazy lady who followed me into work today, you just wanted to inform me how close we came to smashing our cars together this morning. i know, i was there. you couldn't believe i didn't even tap my brakes. ma'am, you are lucky in my youthful recklessness that i didn't not slow (at one of those damn no stop sign neighborhood intersections that i love so much in portland), as we were so close we would have then collided. but i failed to tell you that when you startled me gettign out of my car in a dimly lit parking garage, and all i managed to get out when you replied 'no' to my question of 'do you work here?' was "well it's creepy you followed me here." that flustered you and chased you back into your car, but i just wanted to let you know that without my failure to yield the situation would have been much worse. thanks! have a great day! - young crazy driver
  11. that picture totally cracks me up :D can i get in on this or are most or y'all friend irl? i love to send people shit via postal service!!
  12. getting ready to face the day and it tasted pretty gross too. from the train. that's some daredevil shit rode the wrong train in, but got to get this shot mall grooming seriously, there was burberry and coach and shit in the window. rip city pride baby uuummm, i bought the ingredients so i didn't have to cook anything.... "donimos" is super tedious with a 3 year old.
  13. spotted this superduper fly cut on the train today. had to share
  14. finally got a shot of the killer sign on the way to mom's house. see colors must stop. added to miss pant's hiphop tee collection. unfortunately this one not bought at a concert..... driving to see the homegirls, it got pretty gnarly. huge ass puddle in the middle of I-84 cookin bacon smokin bowls with the ladies. things were looking up on the way home. i'm in love with this thread.....
  15. i would totally cook and clean and shit if i didn't have to work and worry about that shit. too bad the economy doesn't make that a viable option for most average blue collar workers today like back in the day. i do believe that woman's lib caused that . not that women shouldn't have rights and shit but all of a sudden women want to work and then there's equality laws and shit and you can't pay a man enough money to have his woman stay at home and keep the household tight. yes, i am a woman blaming women. damn.
  16. haha a friend of mine decided finally to stop seeing a dude for grubbing on her browneye. she was drunk and still thought it was a little too much for her liking. plus he seemed to be enjoying it way more anything else.....
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear upper management, please stop telling me to work harder as it is year end and then make my priority project a VA spreadsheet. three days this week!! and i was sick on moday!! they aren't going to pay us. plus your stupid system manipualtes the numbers so my fucking hospital is not really expecting that much money!!! leave me alone and let me do my job, collecting fucking money from goddamn insurance companies. somebody's got to make the mutherfuckers pay. but no. you have me putting info from one spread sheet to another so some fuckers that get paid 4x what i do can talk about it n a fucking meeting. but no you cannot go to the management meeting for the hospital you are responsible for maintaining because only important people can go, and why the fuck would we want some nobody underling actually telling us what reimbursement problems exist. fuck you and your awesome fucking salary. i am smarter than you and you couldn't go my job if you tried. thanks, underachieving smartypants.
  18. thanks for the input butters. this bitch will figure it out someday......
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