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Everything posted by mudpuddles

  1. ^^^ could never bring myself to read that one cause there was a really shitty popular local band called that (i grew up in WV) and i was sure it would suck just as bad. now that i'm a grownup that logic doesn't hold up. now that i think of it i have no idea what that book is about. rabbits?
  2. just the description remineded me of "the handmaid's tale" future america speculation at it's finest!!
  3. has anyone read "the road" yet? i've heard a lot about it, sorta, but many people have said its great and horrible at the same time. i think its a post-apocolyptic type story.
  4. cool. just started this. thanks
  5. BEST HEADLINE EVER..... "Ice skating bear kills Russian circus hand"
  6. this thread name is really misleading. i wanted bitches in cages. she dances funny like one of those art school kids, but shes got a fat ass so i like it.
  7. that's the only other Steinbeck I've read. yeah, quick and easy but pretty heavy. i love how he does the dialog and narration sorta colloquial style another recomendation from senior AP english 10 years ago..... John Irving's "Prayer for Owen Meany" slow in parts but great read
  8. favorite of all time, just finished again. sorry about the thumbnail, can't attach pictures proper from work.....
  9. hope i don't get nega-propped out of existance for jumping in but here goes..... i think consistancy is totally the key when parenting kids. we don't hit but we started rules and a stern tone as soon as our girls got old enough to understand. started time-outs and got on the same page as my husband about not talking to her while in time-out and using them consistantly and they work. any disipline is a bitch to implement and the longer you wait the harder YOU are going to have to work. but we have been consistant and haven't had to spank. i have a friend staying in our basement until she finds a place and her daughter comes over 3 of 7 days a week and that kid is rotten. both her kids are rotten. my friend thinks yelling (she doesn't even yell, she raises her tone) is mean..... when she tries to get serious with her kids she is usually smiling. after her son begrudgingly came upstairs to take a shower and told her "i am not very happy about this, i didn't even get to watch blahblahblah....." she just laughed. i looked at him and told him not to ever talk to his mother like that and she looked shocked that it bothered me. we don't spank, but unfortunately, thanks to my mom, i have an instinctual mouth-slap for scenarios like this built in from conditioning i believe. i am not okay with other people parenting my kids, but she doesn't mind at all. she has actually encouraged me to in the past. my mom was a shitty parent as they go but she taught us to respect your elders, even if you are bull shitting them, and you find out as a kid that that will get you pretty far.
  10. hope its okay for me to jump in here but i just got back into reading while on maternity leave but i don't have any friends who read and my husband is really tired of my talking about what i'm reading...... just finished "dead eye dick" and "jailbird". DED was really good, jailbird kinda drug out for me. but he's stuck as my favorite writer so i will read anything the man writes. i remember timequake being really good too
  11. yeah, i didn't really think about that till after i posted it. i hoped no one would notice :)
  12. fuck yeah! i tell people about the genius that is the drop video on a monthly basis
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