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Everything posted by SnakeVsCraneStyle

  1. YES! more outsides/insides please. I was up in syd last week, alot of high riders by jebs funds lazy etc. Some bats etc would be good aswell.
  2. bump that second saute! nice dmote paid pave! More Sydney FUNK!!
  3. When your addicted to heroin, nothing else matters.
  4. Anyone who thinks grime bites rime needs their head checked.
  5. SnakeVsCraneStyle


    What are these called?
  6. Big horsey, little horsey, nothin' it cost me!
  7. Theres alot of other nice things around at the moment in Melb, keep your eyes peeled protester, especially if your out and about catching trains.
  8. Please no more of that worst/xplor shit.
  9. "Real talk, not that bullshit from The Wire."
  10. im assuming that daor etc is the new Explicit Grafx? Anyone know if its in stores yet?
  11. After high school i did nothing for years, just lived on the dole, fucked girls, drank too much and painted. Now im broke and am about to start labouring to get some cash up, once ive got enough im gonna tour europe etc. I say just go with the flow, travel.
  12. 5finger we have the same TV, I should really get some surround sound speakers though.
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