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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. Nothing says TOUGH like RAINBOW NERDS and RED VINES!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVWRXZWGzzI&feature WHERE ELSE BUT SLLLLLLLEAZESIDE?
  3. Not for nothing, but there is no 's' in Wiggum. Those photos of Chris Brown represent everything that's wrong with this country. No wonder everybody hates us.
  4. it's jealousy, plain and simple. any teaser on what we can see in jersey burns? or do we have to wait?
  5. that old stie looks better with age... kind of like a milf.
  6. who's got that navy freight..WANTED: HOT CHICK WITH BIG BOOBS ??? post it up, it's a classic.
  7. agreed. definitely got that uninhibited vibe. sometimes i think "good" graffiti is just another word for "typical." And also, Most of this stuff it funny as hell. I love this thread.
  8. That serene has a fun quality to it. love those colors.
  9. A person's sexual preference or gender has nothing to do with writing. It's a shame that the macho attitude of the community in general discourages some away from something that might interest them.
  10. Bump all those freights, not easy getting flicks sometimes....I know. Bump myself getting a hot brunettes number tonight. word up for liquid courage! and big bump for THE BOSS Bruce Springsteen, dude speaks the truth!
  11. Raels is one of the best out there these days. I've been all over America, and will catch his stuff all the time. no matter how far away, still makes me feel like i'm home. bump that batch of straights.
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