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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. one of the freshest things i have ever seen right here.
  2. no flix this page. awesome...............
  3. bump the many Goze throwies with the big e at the end, my favorite toss of '09. gotta bump that cb4 hopper and brew on the last page, those are hot. Happy Holidays to all. Get drunk with family and the people you love. but be safe..it's not hard to get a ride home, or sleep on someone's floor.
  4. I would move that I out from under that L, so it doesn't look like a U. looks like it's hiding a bit. colors are good and the fill ain't bad.
  5. this thread hurts my brain. bump ZZ TOP!!
  6. I think the dude was just tryin' to punch the ed hardy hat and missed. God bless the trash that entertains us so.
  7. there's nothing wrong with that reph and kest stuff. they look better thatthat kid throw. anyone see Hustler's "Nailin' Paylin" video? I want to see that.
  8. that new yorker cover is what's up. so true.
  9. I wonder how long that paebak will last there?
  10. hey, my first ghost attatchment! ^^^^ fuck it, it'll stay. Reminds me, there used to be a really dope model train store up in Cedar Grove that you could get toy trains in a bargain bin for like a buck or two. Wish it was still around, can't beat that deal, there mad stuff any rail head would enjoy.
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