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Everything posted by fishsticks

  1. i had to look for dao in this one. clever. props given.
  2. yeah they have chased me out of apex before too.
  3. i agree, that som ofa roofie was fucking hard, and a legendary piece in vegas, and gufe capped it.
  4. granted but your seats are made of penis skin, your shifter is a dick, and your horn is a mans asshole, and your stereo only plays party in the u.s.a by miley cyrus. i wish i had some cigarettes.
  5. tell her to get back in the fucking kitchen. =]
  6. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo You are a pleasent person to conversate with.
  7. Re: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat... Permabanned?? Channel Zero is Slippin FREE DAO.
  8. would be a good fight indeed, i am favoring pacquiao
  9. granted, but she is into bondage and has aids [ you cant use a condom ] i wish i had a fish.
  10. keystones are fucking nasty.
  11. granted. but you get 4 feet shorter, and you are $250,000 in debt.
  12. granted but her vag smells like burnt hair and vomit. and you catch the clap. i wish i had a cup of coffee
  13. granted, but your hair falls off. i wish it was summer time.
  14. GRANTED. excepted its a gay bar and your face is warm because a mans ass is on it. i have no wish.
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